Is it possible to use sunset in the rule creator?

XATNL shared this question 12 years ago

I would like to use the local time and location to use as a trigger in the rule creator.

Is this possible?

Replies (15)


Currently we don't have a sunset event to trigger the event, so you have to use timer for this...


Just out of curiosity, why?

What would you like to do with that?


DK wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why?

What would you like to do with that?

We need sunrise too ;-)

Currently have to switch on light when motion at 17.00 will by 21.00 in a few months


Olivier Flebus wrote:

We need sunrise too ;-)

Currently have to switch on light when motion at 17.00 will by 21.00 in a few months

That is why I use lightsensors. So I don't have to worry about time and/or season.


We need this to switch the a several lights 15 minutes before sunset, this way we do not need a sensor which is mostly battery operated.

Works also great for simulation when on holiday, the lights do not alway's switch on at the same time of day. This way it is easy to simulate being at home.


I read this on Zipato Home Page!

Schedules and TimersUse advanced scheduler to think and do things instead of you.

Any series of commands can be easily programmed with a timer function. You can decide when those events will be run. An “Evening Lighting” home timer might lower the blinds, adjust the floor heating and turn on the garden and entry lighting. This timer can be adjusted by the home owner to run at 4.30pm in winter and 7.00pm in summer. Or simply set the timer to a given time before sunset so the timer automatically follows the seasons.

So my qustion is:

Is it possible to "program" zipabox to do something at a given time before/after sunset/sunrise?

A similar qustion does it exist predefined variables like "NightTime", "DayTime" and other that i can use in my rules.

Ex: Just turn on the lamp if motion during "NightTime".


Sunset/sunrise based on geolocation would be very welcome!

I'd love to switch some lights around sunset/sunrise, but don't really need to be as precise as using a light-sensor.


It is very strange to see that such a basic functionality (virtually every other z-wave controller has it) is not implemented. Dawn to Dusk is a must! UsinggGeolocation it is very easy to implement.


in Zipatos advertising on ZipaBox they say that they have this funtionalitet. Maybe just someone who forgot to implement it in the product. Really hope this and more will be included in version 1.0

I like ZipaBox!


it's idd a must have! why would you buy an expensive sensor wich eats batteries when it can easily be done with programming...


I would suggest a small look up table based on key locations around the world would be good enough (even weekly sunrise/sunset times would only take a few hundred bytes which could be downloaded at boot time from server).

Don't need minute accuracy here just something much better than a fixed time.


Isn't is possible to use a solution like this ( in combination with this script:


Thanks... the first one was intresting reading... with Google Translate ;-)

and if you google for sunrise/sunset code/scripts there is several to be found on internet, so can't be that hard to add this to ZipaBox.

To be able to use sunset/sunrise in a When-puzzle to trigger rules is a important functionality.

You have to be able to do example:

WHEN sunrise-2h THEN turn on light

WHEN sunrise-15m THEN turn off light

To have a light on from 2 hour before sunrise to 15 minute after sunrise.


here's a trick to add sunset / sunrise support through a virtual daylight sensor.


Here is a tutorial in french with the great idea of Olivier Flebus ...

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