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Is the repeat puzzle piece working?

David Pritchard shared this question 8 years ago

I read that there were problems with it some ago. Has it been fixed?

Replies (36)


Dear David,

Issues with Repeat puzzle are solved. Please let us know if you experiencing issues.

Best regards,



I *think* it's working! I'll let you know if I have any problems.


I have problems with the repeat puzzle, please check the other thread.

the If inside the repeat puzzle is not honoring the IF.


I can definitely say that the Repeat puzzle worked yesterday. Now to see whether it works reliably every day.


I have the attached rule which uses a repeat puzzle working properly, never tried to add another puzzle inside REPEAT though.


I can't get the repeat puzzle to work. This is my rule:


Am I doing someting wrong, or is it just the puzzle rule that doesnt work? I have verified all of the other puzzles in this rule, and I'm pretty sure the problem is related to the repeat rule.

(I'm runnig the latest beta FW)



I'm pretty sure it's a problem from zipato, I was using without problems the repeat puzzle before upgrading to 0.9.999.8q mine is not working anymore, I did another test, see attached, without luck. I tried it without the repeat puzzle and it worked. I would recomend you to open a ticket in zipato support, I already did.



Thank you for the reply. I'll create a support ticket. Quite annoying.. I had to upgrade to the latest FW because the latest official FW doesn't work properly with 433 mhz devices, and now I have this problem. It's alyways something wrong...



Repeat puzzle is NOT working on firmware 0.9.999.8q, worst part is that Zipato keeps blaming the users. As I mentioned before, repeat puzzle was working fine for me on previous firmware, after the update it doesn't work anymore, even with one repetition. See below the response for the Zipato Team;

"Hello Alberto,

the repeat puzzle is a very tricky thing to use since it can cause a lot of problems if not used correctly.

Basically the main issue is that the rule won't run properly on the first initiation of the rule (first time you

use the rule). Afterwards my test rule worked correctly.

The repeat can cause a lot problem if the rule wants to be stopped, basically it can't, the box will try to

execute the rule no matter what. In example: you set a rule which repeats 100, we used a Zipato bulb,

to change all 7 colors of the rainbow, every few seconds it changes color and then repeats 100 times.

Our rule was supposed to run for about 2 hours, and we intentionally unplugged the Zipato bulb. We

left it unplugged for half an hour and then plugged the bulb. The Zipabox then tries to compensate what

it missed and switches all the colors as fast as possible, you can imagine it was a light show. Everything

was OK but conventional tungsten or worse florescent lights might be damaged or even explode.

In any case the repeat puzzle works but use it carefully.

With regards,

Ivan Pribanić

Zipato Support Team"



So Zipato doesn't know when their puzzles work or not, and instead of investigating further they just close the issues, I guess it's not important to have a reliable system, even if that means the box can make bulbs to explode, maybe power supplies to overheat and why not, maybe a fire... still is our fault for trying to use the puzzle the way the description say they are going to work, because... they just don't know what combinations of puzzle can work or not, so let's close this issue. Simply amazing. See last response from zipato;

"Hello Alberto,as I said it might happen that certain times the repeat doesn't work. Send message puzzle can be problematic on its ownand sometimes in combination with repeat it just doesn't work. Trial and error...To test I used your rule and added three virtual switches on your box and the repeat works.With regards,Ivan Pribanić"Zipato Support Team


Update 2;

Ok so I found the problem, it is not the repeat or message puzzle. I is the fact that the virtual switch I was using is part of another rule which is triggered by some sensor groups (which doesn't work, I have an open ticket for that), and the fact that the rule was enabled. I disabled the rule with the problem, replaced the first switch you have created and then modify the rule as attached. Both repeat and message puzzle works.First image is the rule that is causing the issue with "At Home" Switch, which I disabled until fix is found. Second rule works.


Hi Alberto,

it seems that you are taking some parts of your correspondence with our team out of context. I don't know exactly what is your main goal here, but I will try to be more clear.

Repeat puzzle is working with 0.9.999.8q. It is even working on your box and it has been tested on your box, and you have been informed about it.

However, our support team was trying to warn you that using Repeat puzzle requires certain skills and familiarity with the system architecture. Using it in a wrong way, which is obviously case here as well, could cause a lot of issues in your system.

Anyway, we were just trying to help you to better understand your issue, and it seems we made a mistake. As well as you did in your rule.



Let me clarify my objective in here, it is to help David to get his rule working, if you read above I even gave him an example of my rule that was working. My mistake was to enable a rule which is NOT working due a bug on groups you guys have in our system, which uses the same virtual switch I was using to make a test to prove David and Eric that the repeat was working for me, after I realized it wasn't (again, it was the switch) I suggested them to open a ticket, same I did.

Support was useful only to realize the switch was the problem, what bugs me is the fact that you and your team always start a reply by saying "It's a user problem", even when they see the problem they choose to reply as you can see instead of saying why is not working. I realize you cannot teach how to program to everyone, but believe me, I write code for a living and even the functionality descriptions in the knowledge base for your puzzles is incorrect or not clear, take a look at the description of the "JOIN" puzzle, imagine you are new to the box and tell me if you still think is a user problem the fact that we use the puzzle in a wrong way.



How can you say that the repeat puzzle is working? I just got the same reply from support as Alberto, and support is saying that it's NOT working the first time you run the rule: "Basically the main issue is that the rule won't run properly on the first initiation of the rule (first time you use the rule)"


Ask Alberto is it working.


Ehh. Seriously? It's you who says the repeat puzzle is working with 0.9.999.8q. Support just confirmed to me TODAY that there is a problem with the repeat puzzle the first time you run a rule with a puzzle part.


I also confirm that it is not working. I have 0.9.999.8q and if I remove the repeat puzzle the light is switched on and off but when adding it it is not switching on and off at all.


Attila, could it be that your motion event does not "survive" the 10 seconds it takes to run the repeat loop?


Hi Marius, no, the motion statement is after the loop and I also tried the rule without the motion statement ( just the loop).


Hi Ivan, Much appreciate your detailed information. This makes sense. I will do some testing tonight and confirm your info so others are aware as well.


I can now say for certain that one "repeat" is not doing its job, although it's a bit hard to separate it from the general failures of the rule I'm using it in.

I have a rule that turns on a towel rail in the morning. It works some days, but not others, according to no discernable pattern. So I tried using a repeat loop to turn it on, to test whether the rule was somehow running, but failing to operate the device sometimes.

The loop runs five times. It queries the towel rail to see if it's on, and if not, turns it on. It then increments a counter to track the number of executions of the loop. The counter is always augmented, unconditionally. So the counter should always reach 5. However what I see is that on one day the counter initialised to 0, and was then incremented to 1, but no more. So somehow the loop, or the whole rule, aborted after running once. On the next day, the counter initialised but nothing more, indicating the loop completely failed to execute.

After the loop, I placed YET ANOTHER attempt to turn on the towel rail, in case the loop failed. But that didn't help. On the first day, the towel rail came on (because the rule made it once through the loop). On the second day, it didn't.

This suggests to me that the rule is "crashing", or aborting, for some reason. Whatever comes afterwards in the rule simply doesn't execute.



Can you post your rule?


Sure. Here you go. It's a bit messy but it's basically a desperate attempt to get the thing to work reliably - without success. Stripped to its essentials, it's 2 lines!


Interesting rule. Perhaps only Zipato team knows the answer to this...Dave, if I§m correct you are an integrator or you are planning to be an is it so far?




If I'm an integrator I'm currently unaware of it :-)


Hi Dave, apologize, I probably mixed up. At least you had a laugh? Lets see what happens when i get to home in the next hour. Hopefully my puzzle will work. I will keep you guys posted.


I don't know what an integrator is! All I know is that I spend far too much time trying to get very simple things working! :-(


Me too. Integrator = person or company who lives from installing system in people houses.


Ahh no, just in my house! Fortunately.


Ok. I can confirm that it solved my problem (removing a Join puzzle in case the rule had repeat puzzle).


At least now we now when it doesn't work... for now. Zipato please let us know when you got this fixed.


Repeat started working for me with firmware 1.0.13. Can anyone else confirm? since we are left guessing without firmware release notes....


would love to confirm, but again with every update resetrictions are placed on the box, and repeat is one of them.


Adrian, I'm curious what restrictions have appeared with the last FW? Or do you mean bugs?


It would be nice if Zipato can confirm that:

1. Repeat puzzle is working

2. Repeate puzzle is working in combination with the join puzzle

3. Both of the above works at the FIRST execution of the rule

I'm tired of using many hours to trying to get the rules working with so many bugs, so I would like a confirmation before trying to setup my rule again...


Hello all,

I can confirm that the Repeat puzzle is now working properly in our latest beta firmware for Zipabox.

Feel free to test it out for yourselves and leave us some feedback either here or trough support tickets!

Best regards,

Vedran Brundić

Zipato Support Team


What version is the latest beta version? Could be good to say that?


Hi Verdant, when you say latest beta firmware do you mean for zipabox? How about zipatile?


Hello Attila,

We do have something cooking for Zipatile as well.

If you want to know more, open a support ticket and I'll get back to you :)

Best regards,

Vedran Brundić

Zipato Support Team


Verdan. I have at least 2 support tickets open:

  1. - one of them is now a couple of month old with impossible to change parameters on Qubino PWM thermostat.
  2. - one is also now a couple of months old where Zipatile on random cases (at least 3-4 times per week) disconnects from the WiFi and is offline until someone touches the display). Milan is currently looking into this one as looks like a new wifi driver is required.

overall whenever if you have any latest firmwares even if they are beta, you are more than welcome to send me an email with the download link so I can install and test.

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