
DK shared this question 10 years ago

Sorry for this new post but I can't find older posts about "join" and "stop" in the rulescreator.

I want to create a rule like:

When motion is triggered -> lightlevel xx%

wait x secs -> lightlevel x%

I want to run this rule completely until the end and only to be retriggered when the rule is finished.

Replies (2)


Hello DK,

You should do exactly what you said with a simple stop at the end, it should work :

When motion

Action on lampA : setValue : xx%

Wait x sec

Action on lampA : setValue : yy%


But if you want that your lamp stay to xx% for an other x sec if an other motion is triggered before the end of this rule, you have to add a join between lampA setValue xx% and wait.


Thx for the explanation Alan

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