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New UI bugs/wishis...

HeroS - shared this problem 9 years ago

Here's a list:

- http devices still show up double (or triple)

- Wake up time is missing in device config

- Some devices don't show config

- When i edited a rule the right panels close. Really annoying/not working that great.

- When i make a new rule ...the rule always show up invalid. So it's impossible to make rules.

- Config of virtual meters is not working so i can't change the name

- Can't remove/rename rooms

- Scroll not working without scroll wheel

- RGB wheel/module is missing presets

- If i do a sync the icons still blinking after sync

- If you change something in the module config >> you don't see that is saved

- Icons are not clickable to turn on/off module

Please also take a look at my google sheets because some of the stuff above i already reported months ago.

Replies (39)

  • Device manager: new icon overrules existing one no option for deselecting the image.
  • Device manager advanced: settings button not working.
  • Device manager: when naming a device space bar entry is not accepted
  • Cameras: keeps loading, dashboard freeze.
  • Climate: no indication that the heating is on

New iOS app??


New Gui wish :

For meters display by default instantaneous power consumption not cumulative consumption !


And Add Link to Api V2


In meters graph display (nice feature) vertical axle values are very strange, and not related to showed target.


Hi Zipato fooks,

Gui looks nice and devices still operate so no direct worries for me for now....

I just did some tests and also came up with a list. Some may be mentioned already and others not :)

-Climate Control does not Show current temperature. I have 6 (1 virtual and 5 physical temperature meters i use for this) and only 1 displays current temperature (out side temperature).

-Security: not able to add new, i can only edit or add zones to current

-Synchronisations fails often after making changes

-When editing or creating rules the right bar auto closes and would be nice to have a button to get it sticky

-Light and Power: when pressing the edit button nothing is shown (sensors you can edit)

-Meters: when pressing the edit button nothing is shown (sensors you can edit)

-HTTP sensors show 2 times where 1 is correct (n this scenario active) and the other is wrong (inactive in this scenario)

-Iphone app only shows temperature of my Living room whereas the web interface only shows current out site temperature and virtual temperature meter.

-Scenes: if you edit a scene you will only see "exclude" marked for devices that are part of the scene, not if they should be on/off

More will come i guess :)


Another, I already reported.

If you drag the meteo widget in the favorites.. after few secs, you will be redirected to login (and login is impossibile because you are alredy logged in): you need to manually turn back to the dashboard url.


Some things to add:

-Not able to add devices anymore

-Unable to change user details

-Virtual devices contained allot of old devices (i cleaned this up)

-Allot of Virtual devices contain no endpoint ("blanc")

More "issues" will be added soon i am affraid

Maybe it would have been a good idea that zipato had initiated a test round so people could report bugs before they just enabled it and people start complaining on basic issues which could have been solved before pushing it to production......



-General tab causes -> "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefined"

-Rules - Puzzle/Devices -collapses not working


Jussi Vatjus-Anttila wrote:


-General tab causes -> "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefined" -> after this any of left side menus not working.

-Rules - Puzzle/Devices -collapses not working


And some more to add:

-Unable to save user details

-When selecting "Add Another Device" after adding the first one you will not get the progress animation anymore

-Unable to see the HTTP link for HTTP devices (old GUI still shows)


Some extra notes:

-If you have double HTTP devices you could recreate them so you do not have the doubles anymore, but that could be allot of work

-Current Power consumption is not shown in the new interface directly. I did a test by using a Fibaro Wall plug and a Ventilation unit and when i powered it on i see power consumption on the Iphone app but not in the web interface. I also created a rule that will power off after power usage is 0 and it seems that rules also see 0 power usage while iphone app showed 30+ Watts usage

-Power consumption is not displayed correctly in the graphs (allot of minus which would not be possible when you use power)

-Triggers like true/false on/off are not displayed in the graphs correctly


Rules: The thermostats are not draggable into design elements.


-Climate: Unable to remove a thermostat

-When adding new devices with power consumption capabilities these are not created under Meters but shown under power/lights (Not a bad idea but old ones should have been gone/removed then)

-Power consumption is not dynamic, you need to refresh the page to see the change. If you use the old interface or the iphone app it's still dynamic

-For now unable to use power consumption in rules

More will come........


Found something weird:

-Created a rule for a door sensor using the new web interface where i do the following:

When device ANY

IF device "OPEN" AND Time Now between 18:00 AND 23:00

SEND HTTP message

The Rule is not triggered

If i remove the "AND Time Now between 18:00 AND 23:00" the rule works

To check i created exactly the same rule using the OLD interface and it just works directly

Same way i solved an issue when i tried to using power metering in rules to determine if my Coffee is finished


Device manager: several devices are missing the configuration tab

Danfoss Radiator valves

Eurotronic Radiator valves

Greenwave power nodes


Others problems I can found:

- new GUI uses generic name of the some devices instead of the name I gave (ex. for rollers shutters or Aeon Multisensor all named Meters... It is really difficult to do difference)

- the temperature (if probe added) of the device fibaro door sensor is not displayed

I think you should go back to the old GUI by default, we can't use this GUI by now too much bugs


Thanks, it is working for roller shutters and I made visible temperature sensor.

Another point: it is not possible to insert space character in the name of some device.



Dear Zipato,

Since this topic is a week old and the first response by Zipato was given on the last comment, what about all the other comments.........?

I would be nice to hear that these issues have any attention...

Maybe an idea to have Zipato open a topic for the new GUI so people can list the issues for the new GUI that had been released without proper testing (since allot of the issues seem to have been mentioned by your tester Superhero quite some time ago) and following a normal procedure for a development company by releasing things that have been tested by a community before pushing to production (with proper communication). In my opinion you could have created an article on the forum where you presented the new beta web interface and ask users to test and give feedback so you could have fixed stuff before pushing it to production, this way you would have coffered your 'ass' pretty much by giving your users the chance to give feedback and Zipato solve issues before just pushing it to production.

I don't work for a software company but i do work in IT and i do follow a procedure (DTAP) where i have an acceptance environment where i get feedback before i push anything to production and do communicate to the users if i push anything to production. Now Zipato needed to provide a link to the old web interface, since quite some people have issues that could have been found by just looking your self or by having users testing.

I think you underestimate the fact that allot of your customers rely on this system and quite some even have their heating and alarm system based on Zipato like i do. So don't use production as the development environment (at least it feels like that)

Please open a topic and copy those issues listen and give the people the idea that they are being taking seriously and not beta testers free of charge without any feedback or knowledge if their issues is going to be fixed anyhow.

If the community is happy you will sell more, but if you don't care about your users (customers) your product will fail in the end. For now you have "geeks" as customers that don't mind things to get fixed, but you will need those geeks to get those "dummy" customers on board......


Climate: Week scheduling is not seen


Zipato any news on this? Can you please give us some feedback?


Climate: Can't found [Add] button under clima panel to add rules like old skins


I personally think the "scenes" shut be the first button/option in the APP.


I cannot edit rules at all in the new GUI. I'm using win 8.1. All the puzzels are stuck and not movable at all.


HeroS - wrote:

Zipato any news on this? Can you please give us some feedback?
Hi HeroS,

most of major issues on your list are already fixed, we are working on rest of them...


Why don't you setup a bug tracking system so everyone can see the progress? Then you would get a lot fewer complaints.


Jacob Berggren wrote:

Why don't you setup a bug tracking system so everyone can see the progress? Then you would get a lot fewer complaints.
we are using Jira internally, and this is the place where we are looking for feedback, as well as on our support. Having a fourth tool would be too much:-(


Ok, but you can setup public access to the Jira bug tracker.

  • It is impossible to use white spaces in module name and description.
    I have to write the text elsewhere and then make a copy/paste...

  • In security section it is impossible to change the "siren1" module. When I choose another module and save, it is always coming back to the previous "siren1" module. I have to use the old UI to make this change.


Today all my rules stop working.... (also) :(


and i have like 30...

import export of rules would be excellent now! than i would be able to clear my box and tray one rule at a time.

i will do this now whit the Disable option.


I have a problem with my "Qubino NEWHBA1 double on/off in wall module" in the new gui.

Or more than a problem, it is not visible at all, but it works great when I switch to the old gui.


Also have problem with Qubino modules as ZMNHIA2 is not supported by Zipabox software (whatever GUI is used) and temp meters have disappeared with new GUI. Most important that changing GUI is moving "theorically" supported devices to "correctly" supported devices... I'm really disillusioned with Zipabox...


Raphael; I think in the new GUI the temp meter of the Qubino is disabled because a lot of people don't use it. You can turn in on in de devicemanager by the 'show' option.



I found out that it was not shown in the new gui, but it was in the old. I just cecked "Show" and it did...


My sense of humor start to be at end with the new UI. I has never seen so illogical and difficult way to setting up devices as this. Specially without any guidance or documentation this is nightmare. Normal daily use is quite nice, but if you want to do anything else, it won't work at all. It is mix of not working functions and bugs. Very frustrating to decide, if something is broken or i simply can't do it.


Jki wrote:

My sense of humor start to be at end with the new UI. I has never seen so illogical and difficult way to setting up devices as this. Specially without any guidance or documentation this is nightmare. Normal daily use is quite nice, but if you want to do anything else, it won't work at all. It is mix of not working functions and bugs. Very frustrating to decide, if something is broken or i simply can't do it.
why don't you just use the old one? New one is still the "new" one.


Sebastian Popovic wrote:

Jki wrote:

My sense of humor start to be at end with the new UI. I has never seen so illogical and difficult way to setting up devices as this. Specially without any guidance or documentation this is nightmare. Normal daily use is quite nice, but if you want to do anything else, it won't work at all. It is mix of not working functions and bugs. Very frustrating to decide, if something is broken or i simply can't do it.
why don't you just use the old one? New one is still the "new" one.
Hehe, you are so funny. But for some reason i'm not laughing at all.


The only problem i see with the new device that you need to refresh a lot to see the changes.

So when i change the visibility of a devices it's not shown directly. This is sometimes very confusing.

Beside gives you lots of freedom.


The very big problem is there's not a real and useful dashboard!

The main house widgets like temperature, shutters, blinds status, opened(closed doors and windows should be placed (by drag and drop) on a custom map of the house (an uploadable image) with real time data!

There's not competetitors with this useful feature...

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