New web interface : Can you explain the new Device manager "Hierarchy and categogries" ?

olivier34 shared this question 10 years ago

In the new web interface, under the "Device Manager" I notice there is a new way of displaying devices, with a new hierachy and associated new categories like 'Virtual network", "Internal", "IP Backup" (Which appears twice)

Can you explain which device we will find under each category ?

Thanks in advance.


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Replies (12)


IP = could be camera's and other IP based devices

IP = backup of IP devices

Internal = Zipabox itself (lights)

Virtual Network = all virtual devices like virtual sensor, meter etc and your Alarm system and Thermostat etc

Zwave = Your Z-wave devices

433Mhz = all your 433 Mhz devices


Hello, Yes, that sounds like a logical explanation, still i think we would need a detailed description from the Zipato team, because there are behaviors that I do not understand :

- when you delete a device from the "virtual network list" they are still listed in the other device tabs (like the "lights and power" tab) - even after resynchronizing with the box

- I have devices listed that appears nowhere else...

- Names that appear in this list can be different than names in the other device tabs

- There is an option "Show" next to some "virtual network devices", but clicking on the "Show" icon does not trigger any action.


olivier34 wrote:

- There is an option "Show" next to some "virtual network devices", but clicking on the "Show" icon does not trigger any action.
In my opinion Show is only a checkbox in the settings where you can indicate if a device shows up in the menu's of the dashboard.

The icon is just to indicate that de show option is checked.

The problem is that changes in de show checkbox are only visual in the dashboard after an refresh of the browser.

I agree that I would be nice if we get a discription of the working of the new devicemanager.

But unfortualy thats something we ask for a long time for many other features such as the camera widget.

It wil save so mutch questions and problems and would make the box mutch more atractive for new buyers.

I think Zipato underestimate that part of the product.


I think, that the reason for lack of documentation is that nothing is not yet as its final shape. It is kind of unreasonable work to make fine help to feature, which is obsolete soon afterwards. As paying customer, I don't like it, because during the redesign my device is only partially in use. On the other hand on view, this is good thing, we get new functionality all the time.


It's just what kind of end users your focussing on. The tweakers who want new fuctionality all the time or the users that want reliable documented software with a couple of well tested updates every year.

When I bought the box,I thought Zipato was focussing on the last category. People who don't wanne program in Linux, but want a controller with a userinterface.

When this is the case a 'basic' manual is a must (in my opion).

I would liked it very mutch if I had an email where was anounced that the new UI was launched and a link to a FAQ. Now it was a suprice for me and I had to do some trial and error to see if everything was OK.

I am very happy with the new UI. I Think it's a big advantage. It's just the way Zipato communicate.


Inefficient communication with customers is hurting us the most. There are plenty features and options in Zipato system which are being used by very few customers, as we don't communicate them very well. However, we will work a lot on documentation and communication in 2015, so I hope we will have some positive results soon.

As for the new Devices manager. There are currently 2 different views on your Zipato network: Device manager and Device browser (there will be more of them soon). Device manager is the most comprehensive view of the system, as it shows all devices, endpoints, clusters and attributes. This is the place where you can easily setup your whole network, but also decide which entities you would like to see in Device browser (which will be used much more often).

For example, if micro module has two endpoints (relay 1 and 2), and each with it's own energy meter. Than you can decide to show two "devices" in Device browser and each with their own energy meter as the parameter, or you can SHOW meters separately as "devices" within a device category. Some other options which are currently available should be clear as they are.

SHOW - showing the particular entity within a device browser, as the device (most of entities presented as devices in the OLD UI, were Endpoints, while in the new UI these entities could be Attributes which causing the "name" issue. In this case, you can just set the "SHOW" to entity and you will have your old name from the OLD UI, or just add the same name to the Cluster or Attribute which is currently presented as the device)

Although these options are available within our UI, not all of them are aimed to be used by all end users, as they requires certain understandings of how Z-wave and other networks are functioning. We build Zipato to be used by both DIY users and PRO users which will be able to do more than DIY users thanks to their skills and trainings.

New UI is currently just a platform for options which will come, and some of design elements will become more clear after we add more options to this UI.

Thank you for your patience and support.


Sebastian, first I want to thank you for your long answer, which provides elements to help us understand how you plan to organize the display of devices & endpoints in your new GUI. I need to "digest" your answer to fully understand it, but it provides the right level of information we "need" (maybe I should even say we "deserve") as clients to use the box.

Second, Your strategy to develop your GUI so that DIY users and PRO users will find what they look for is a (very) challenging one. The risk is to come out with a final solution that will not satisfy anyone (too complex for average users, not enough details for Pros...) therefore I suggest that you plan to have a "basic" GUI and an "Advanced GUI" with an easy way to switch from one to another.

That said, your new GUI and strategy looks promising. I wish you will succeed.

Lastly, To your final comment ( "Thank you for your patience and support") I would answer that like many early users, we have proven to be (very) patient towards zipato bugs, developments (it is the 3rd GUI in 2 years) and zipato very discrete communication.... So, take the required time to develop a good stable solution. But do not wait too long to document and do not spoil and destroy all your efforts with stupid strategy such as asking users to pay for standard functions such as custom hysteresis, usable graphs, including parameters & values in http requests,...

..... Please do not disappoint us.


I agree on the response of Olivier. I am enthousiastic about the new GUI. Also about the new android app. If this is the base of an stable (well documented) platform were i can rely on on for my domotica, alarm and heating I stay as your loyal customer.

But I'am also not willing to pay a montly fee. A one time payment for realy extra's is an option for me as the basic functionality is no longer an issue. But no monthly fee.


- Payment of additional features will be based on "one fee" only.

- Current community users will be able to continue using all current features while new users will be have to pay for some of them

- New premium features in the future will be also sold with discount for active community members, as the compensation for helping us to make this system better

Right now, cleaning the new UI is the priority for this month.


Since the the new UI is mainly a playground with lots on new non-working features why is it the default one? As a new Zipabox user it took me a while to understand that I'd have to click on "old dashboard" in order to actually use my new toy.

Make the old dashboard the default and link to the new instead and call it beta.


Pål Andreassen wrote:

Since the the new UI is mainly a playground with lots on new non-working features why is it the default one? As a new Zipabox user it took me a while to understand that I'd have to click on "old dashboard" in order to actually use my new toy.

Make the old dashboard the default and link to the new instead and call it beta.

The new UI is not just a playground. It is just a "NEW" which is differentiate it from "OLD", and it certainly has more issues (as well as features). However, it's your choice which one you will use...


Sebastian Popovic wrote:

- Payment of additional features will be based on "one fee" only.

- Current community users will be able to continue using all current features while new users will be have to pay for some of them

- New premium features in the future will be also sold with discount for active community members, as the compensation for helping us to make this system better

Right now, cleaning the new UI is the priority for this month.

Hello Sebastian, thanks for your answer.

There is a nice idiom that says "The devil is is the details"... and which applies perfectly to the pricing strategy you just described.

So we'll wait and see what will be the outcome.... but, as described, I am not feeling very enthusiastic because I have the felling you still plan to ask your users to pay (even a 1 time fee) for standard functions... for example, I consider that the functions available in the GUI today are "standard" functions and I hear that you plan to request a fee for some of them to new users. I personally consider that it is not a good direction.

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