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Option "keep offline" for box settings

Andre shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer


It will be

nice if some user or Zipato team can explain more this functionnality because

it seem to have been changed in dashboard .

Advise you to leave it empty or

is it better to check it ?

Thanks for

your help

Replies (1)



Yes I agree, an official statement or explanation would be nice. As far as I know (haven't tested it) but I remember reading it on one of the posts in this forum.

1. If you leave this option unchecked, when the processor detects that internet connection have been lost it reboots so it can connect to internet. It will do that several times until connection is detected.

2. If you check this option, the controller won't reboot when internet connection have been lost. Not sure if it will eventually connect or a reboot is required.

I will test and let you know, I was curious about this anyway.


hi Alberto ;

have you tested this feature?

Kind Regards


Hi Hani,

It works in the following way:

1. If you leave the option unchecked, the controller will reboot every 5 minutes in order to connect to the cloud server. It's extremely hard, practically impossible, to use the controller this way because you'll have it operable for maybe 3 minutes (the remaining 2 minutes are spent on booting the OS and apps), so we definitely recommend the second option.

2. If you check the option "Keep offline", it means the controller won't reboot every 5 minutes and it will stay operable all the time you don't have internet. When the internet connection is established, the controller will connect automatically without needing to reboot.

I hope this helps!




i have done that thanks.

But my zipatile cannot synchronize when i check this parameter. I see the zipatile is under "updating repisotories" will that mean in that periode its'not possible to synchronize it? till the updating repositories end??


The "Keep offline" option is not related to synchronization procedure and shouldn't affect it.

If you have sync issues, please login to our support portal at and open a ticket with your Zipatile's serial number included, and one of our engineers can check what's going on.


I am indeed using this parameter in my zipabox. As of now my Zipatile is still used as "dumb" interface for my zipabox. I will create a cluster eventually...

Keep offline works as Branisalav comments for my zipabox, I will try with my Zipatile.

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