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Problem configure security zone

Borgs shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

I have trouble with some basic security configuration.

I have a Security Partition named "House"

I have in my system two Fibario Door/Window detectors. They re added to my Zipato system, I can see that they are working by looking in the logg after open and close event of the door.

So I add one of them as a Zone in my Alarm Partition. Looks like a rather straight forward configuration, but after I am done and have syncronized the setting I see that the new Zone is in "Not Ready" status. So the Alarm cant be activated in "Home" or "Away" status.

What am I doing wrong???

Replies (2)


Hello Borgs,

Try to change status on the sensor after you create a new zone, synchronize and refresh browser tab afterwards.

If that fails try to BYPASS zone, activate alarm, deactivate alarm, remove BYPASS, activate alarm and deactivate alarm again.


Are you sure that the log events exactly match the real world events?

I have had issues where the fibaro door/window sensor was out of range in z-wave terms and it would then only intermittently send the necessary signals.

Check that the door/window sensor works correctly form the Zipato android or PC UI.

When you open the window/door the relevant status screen should very quickly change on the UI. If it is anything like my issue, then you may need powered z-wave devices between the door and the Zipabox


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