Refrigerator control using wall plug

Kristian Olofsson shared this question 11 years ago

I'd like to monitor my refrigerator for possible mail function using a fibaro wall plug.

Since the compressor starts/stops depending on temp it's not possible to use the cont. actual power consumption.

Instead I'd like to check every hour that the "running" consumption have been reached. Meaning that that compressor at least started 1/h. If not, trigger http request.


Replies (5)


Do it in two Rules and a variable:

1) WHEN power_consumption>0 THEN last_on=Now

2) SCHEDULER every 1 hour

IF Now - last_on > 1 hour THEN trigger http request

Save the time/date for last power/on in a variable and then check every hour that the variable is not more then 1 hour old.


Thanks! Ill start by checking the running consumption when compressor is off/on since I guess it's never 0. (Image me open the door and light turns on)


So i tried and failed... :)

- How do i set the variable to "NOW"?

- How do i compare the times with "1h"?

Trevlig valborg!


Hi Kristian,

I'm also trying this but can't get it to work. Do u have a solution yet?


HI! Yes, i think so... :)

- Every time the consumption is over 50w i set the variable to the hour of execution. eg. 10

- I then every hour check if the "now-hour" - variable above is greater then 1.

eg. 12-10 = 2 (2 hours since last execution) = Alarm

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