report the state of a switch by email

Olivier Guihard shared this problem 11 years ago


I'd like to receive every day an email indicating the state of a switch ( heating for example). I thought it was rather easy by creating a rule. But after several tests I never succeeded.

Here are two rules which are actually running on my Zipabox ( synchronization is OK). No problems are reported but I never received any emails ( emails adresses are correct, devices are fully working..)


The switch I am testing is virtual: does it matter?

I tested on/off and false/true because it not clear for me what is the difference. Anyway none of these are working...

Anyone can help me? I am sure I made a big mistake but where?


Replies (2)


I also have some rules with virtual switches in them and they are working.

Are u sure that the mails are not blocked (marked as spam). Try gmail for testing.

Also try with without the time, and try with a real switch in the rule.

And if u wanna use time then do:

When http = off and time

Send message.


What time zone are you in? I am in est but "time now" reports gmt + 1 regardless of your time zone configuration in general config

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