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Rule Runs Very Slow

paul steciuk shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

I installed a Z-Wave Switch at the exit of my house. The primary purpose of the switch is to turn off off lights when I exit house. The rule does work, but it works very slow. It takes between 2 minutes and 5 minutes to execute. I have a total of 32 devices all working on Z-Wave.

What could possibly be making it run so slow?

If I execute the rule from the Zipato program, it works very fast. I use a contact sensor when entering the house at night and find that when the contact sensor is broken the lights in the house turn on instantly.

Any comments on what to check for or how to correct would be greatly appreciated.

Files: rule.png

Replies (13)


Can Zipato check into this? I would like to add more devices to my system but am concerned that the slow response has something to do with the number of devices that I current have. I have 33 devices. Can others on this forum say if 33 devices is considered a lot and if there system operates slowly.

How would I go about troubleshooting to determine the issue why the system is running slow.


I wouldn't say 33 is a lot no, I've started to have issues with rules and scenes running slow as well. I've read elsewhere it can be related to Zipabox communicating to other IP devices such as Hue, IP cameras, ect, as a test I removed my recently added Zipato IP camera and things have got a lot faster, however using the Zipato RFID keypad to disarm and arm the alarm seems to still be slow. I've logged a call with Zipato so will see what they say.



Thanks for your reply. I do not have any IP devices now unless you consider a virtual weather station to get sunset and sunrise times an IP device.


I have a similar problem but it consider movement sensors outside. When the box is just restarted the lamps turns on immediately. But later on it can takes upp to 5 minutes before they turns on.


is it an issue right now?



Indirect. I haven't made a ticket on every symptom in the box. I have one extremely importen ticket I'm waiting for. #RPS-656-78094


Even one minute is too long delay for e.g. light related rules. Very annoying. And very often.


I agree 1 minute is to much. I wanted to implement other similar rules, but am waiting to resolve this matter.

I have installed a switch to run a light at the top of the stairs. When pressed, I want to turn the light on upstairs. The switches are not hardwired as the previous owner did not put a stairway switch at the base of the stairs, only at the top. Putting a Z-wave switch at the base is a solution. Turn it on, and the stair lights turn on. The problem is the wait. You can't wait a minute to climb the stairs.

The same with my all lights off issue. If I hit the switch, it would be nice to see the lights turn off as I exist the house. Instead, I have to wait 1 to 5 minutes.

I hope the matter can be resolved at some point.


I agree 1 minute is to much. I wanted to implement other similar rules, but am waiting to resolve this matter.

I have installed a switch to run a light at the top of the stairs. When pressed, I want to turn the light on upstairs. The switches are not hardwired as the previous owner did not put a stairway switch at the base of the stairs, only at the top. Putting a Z-wave switch at the base is a solution. Turn it on, and the stair lights turn on. The problem is the wait. You can't wait a minute to climb the stairs.

The same with my all lights off issue. If I hit the switch, it would be nice to see the lights turn off as I exist the house. Instead, I have to wait 1 to 5 minutes.

I hope the matter can be resolved at some point.


I think it's a bad idea that if a device triggers a rule with a ANY to also change the state of that device in the rule. This could potentially lead to loops (the JOIN complicates things even further). I don't know how the rules are actually implemented in code so maybe it causes some other weird stuff.

The following example is to show what could happen.

1. Starting situation: the switch "All lights off switch" is "On"

1. You switch "All lights off switch" to "Off" this triggers the rule

2. Run scene - all off

3. Switch "All lights off switch" to "On", the rule is triggerd again go to step 2 but because you have defined a join, the current rule executtion is stopped. So what happens now, is the state of the switch "All lights off switch" really set to "On"? Or because the rule execution is stopped only the event is trigger but the state hasn't changed? No idea.

You're starting situation is probably different but this is just to show the possible problems you can cause by change the state of the device in the rule that also triggers it. And if you als add a JOIN, who knows what will happen.

So my solution would be don't change the state. You can keep the any if but add an if statement:

  1. WHEN "All lights off switch".ANY
  2. IF "All lights off switch".ON
  3. Run scene - all off



I have tried different versions of this rule to speed it up. Nothing seems to fix the issue. Your points above are most likely true. I have seen the rule go into a loop as you have said. I will change the rule to the above and let you know how it works.

I appreciate your comment.



It would be nice to set the "all lights off switch" to on if any of the lights in the scene are on. Do you know of an easy way to check all lights switches in the house and if any are on, turn the "all switch light" to on. I would then also most likely need one to check and turn the all lights switch to off if all are off.

If there is a way I think this would then require the previous rule be changed such that the when all lights off switch "any" be changed to "off" as I would be setting it to ON whenever any of the lights are turned on in the house.


You could easily change the rule above to:

  1. WHEN "All lights off switch".OFF
  2. Run scene - all off

The name of the switch is a bit confusing. So I assume that when:

- "All lights off switch" = OFF -> All light must be turned off and are off after running the above rule

- "All lights off switch" = On -> Any light is on

I don't know of an easy way to turn it on other than:

  1. Modify every rule where you turn on an individual light, also set the "all light off switch" to on.
  2. Modify every scene where you turn on lights to also turn on the "all light off switch" (so not in the rule itself but in the scene).

I usually don't turn on and off devices individually but always through a scene. I've just got the box when I'm a bit further along I will post about my setup.


The rule works as you have noted above.. but runs slow. Somewhat useless until Zipato can speed it up. I can eliminate all rules and it will run slow.

The sensor associated with door and the lights work instantly. So a trigger associated with a door sensor is treated differently than a trigger associated with a Z-Wave Switch.

Does anybody know how to get Zibato to think a Z-Wave Switch is a door sensor instead?


I suspect the issue is reporting vs. polling.

Sensors like motion or door open instantly report a change in status to the controller when it happens so the controller can run the rule right away. Lutron owns the patents on light switches reporting their status, so the controllers have to poll them instead. So the delay is likely caused by how long between polling intervals it takes the Zipato to update it's status on the switch. Cooper has either licensed or gotten around Lutron's patents so they are the only other switch allowed to instantly report a status change.

But, I have Cooper switches and am experiencing similar delays between change in status and rules executing so I suspect that Zipato has not implemented the ability for Cooper (and likely Lutron) switches to instantly report their status change. I'm trying to transition from a Vera and I know they have implemented the ability so it is possible to do so.

I haven't looked yet to see if you can use any of the configuration parameters to change the per switch polling time



Thanks for your insight into the problem. It sounds like you may have gotten to the route cause of the problem. I will try some other switches to see if I have better luck and report back.


Just bought two other switches to test Cooper Aspire and Leviton RV+Z to see if they work better. I did note with the Leviton RV+Z the spec that it does have two way communication as you have noted.


Have you tested how the rules acts during the first hours after a restart of the box?


My box work well after a restart. then it runs slower and slower. And finally it ends up in a spontaneous restart, witch can bee hard to recognize without a rule that sends a message after the restart.


I have tried resetting and it is faster... goes from 1 minute to 5 minutes... faster just after the reset.


Does this mean that battery operated switches will drain battery really fast, since they will have to listen for state requests all the time?


ZWave is supposed to understand when a device is battery operated and try to minimize impact on battery life (by doing things lime trying not to route communications through battery powered devices). Supposedly one of the benefits of Zwave plus (which the Zipato uses) is to decrease the impact on battery life -


Henry meant something else. Zipabox (current flagship) has such an old hardware that it cannot manage too long especially if you have many devices and rules...

I can imagine (HeroS confirmed) that Zipamini is more stable (from Rules point of view) as it had bigger flash memory and ram that stores the running requirements and responses. Zipabox can quickly get filled up its memory and when it cannot cope anymore, it probably crashes and restarts.

I expect Zipatile will be even better than Zipamini. Shame Zipabox nowadays is still manufactured with this slower hardware. Hardware wise it would be only a few dollars to have a more stable version. I was even thinking if there is any route to hardware flash the box with a larger memory...



Interesting insight into the hardware. I'm still within the return window on mine and was just debating whether I keep it and be patient with them getting things like the Copper scene controllers and two way associations to work since I like the rules interface much better (and they work much more predictably) them my Vera or if I keep looking for a better system... I've only put on a few devices/files so far so haven't yet seen the slow down.

Unfortunately the Zipamini isn't am option for me since I need the security system module to replace my current integration with my Caddx system.



Well, it would need a try of the Fibaro Binary module is compatible with your wired sensors. If yes, than you can integrate the security system in Zwave parallel to your CADDX (regardless of the central unit). At the end of the day you should have a house interier insurance as the thief still might be able to steal something even if the alarm is on, unless you live in a mansion...

I cannot wait for my Zipatile, I have big plans with it...


I spoke with Fibaro and it won't integrate with the Caddx. I need access / control of alarm status.

With the zipato I was going to just replace it with their security module. Oh well, back to the drawing board....

Agree on not a full deterrent but helps and gives me the ability to turn off all the lights my family leaves on when no one is home :)



Well what I was thinking is that you would connect to the fibaro binary module each of your sensors so they will report their status to your security system and also to zwave (via the fibaro module).

Alternatively if every family member had android phones, you can easily integrate an automatic arm/disarm system...

see this topic my last comment from today


I prefer keeping a physical keypad available along with my monitoring service. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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