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Set an offset to a Danfoss LC13 setpoint

Luca shared this question 8 years ago
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Hi, in my house I have 8 Danfoss radiator valves LC13 controlled by a virtual thermostat.

One of them is getting a bit too hot, so the room temperature is always higher than the others.

I would not create a separate thermostat just for this radiator, so I'm trying to set a sort of offset for this valve.

In the danfoss manual, I can see that this zwave command is supported: "COMMAND_CLASS_CLIMATE_


Control a temperature offset to

the thermostat setpoint of living

connect®. The temperature offset

is defined by schedules and

schedule overrides."

If I understand correctly, setting this parameter should set an offset for the valve, e.g. setting -2 should avoid the radiator to become too hot even if I leave the same setpoint coming from the virtual thermostat.

Is someone using this parameter?

Have I understood correctly its function?

Replies (1)



you can set an offset directly at the device. See manual. If your device is too hot, you can change that. There are 3 levels available.


Are you refferring to P1 P2 and P3 settings?



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