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SONOS configuration

2funky shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

Ahhh, i was able to add my SONOS:1 / SONOS:Connect players to Zipato.

Now what?

I can see them on "Audio Devices", but i am trying to configure it. I see that in the Zipato GUI it mentions

Description Param Value

What should I use to do the following actions:

- play a song or playlist

- raise or lower volume

Can I use a Zipato in rule creator?

My ultimate goal is to use Zipato to simulate voices once a Security alarm is triggered or to use Sonos as smart and powerful alarm siren.

Thanks for your help

Replies (12)


Is it really that simple :) ?


I'm trying to make a rule to play an MP3. No luck so far :-(


See below images of rules from another post I found regarding Sonos, I cannot try it because there is no support for Sonos bar yet, hope it helps...


I'm trying exactly that, but at the moment nothing appears to be happening. I have a rule that is supposed to run in the morning, but in the event log the URI and action attributes are never changed. No sound is played. The volume is not even being set.

It's just one of those typically frustrating experiences with the Zipabox. You create a new rule, and it appears to do nothing and you don't know why. Debugging it is very time-consuming.


the ruleexamples are from a post where i explained how i did it. Its not a problem with zipato. I just disarmed 20min ago when i got home with the rfid and my sonos said, Welcome home Oliver :) You´re not doing it right...


I've managed to get an MP3 to play when the MP3 is located on a web site. I've had no luck so far playing an MP3 on a shared folder on my network.

The other thing I don't know is how to return the URI to "line-in" after playing the sound. I've seen on a forum a suggestion that you should set to URI to x-rincon-stream:[SONOSMACADDRESS] but I'm not sure if this is correct, or how to get the MAC address.


Hi David,

have you got found out, how to play a mp3 witch is located on a shared networkfolder?


No, but I haven't really had time to investigate further. Soon I hope.


It wont work. its zipatos servers that call on the URL, not your local controller, and the external servers cant call on a local mp3 file. Upload your files to a online hostserver and it will work.


OK, that's good information. I'll try uploading it somewhere.


I take it then that this means that there is no way to set the Sonos to "line-in" from a Zipabox rule? That actually makes it useless for me.


Actually, it does work. You need to use this syntax:



Hi Guys

I can confirm that it works to play an mp3 file on sonos.

The trick is to place the mp3 file on a local web server because it is the sonos player that loads the file and not the zipato. The zipato is only telling the sonos device where to pick it up.

If you see the attachment: (Its in swedish but I think you will get the idea)

This is a rule that creates a specific scene when my 2 year old daughter shall go to sleep.

She gets to press the button her self. The light scene activates and the sonos plays a little song. And she likes it :-)


I use a virtual switch to activate the rule

Then use

SET block to choose a volume level, in this case 30%

SET block to add URI, in this case a local web server I have in my network

ACTION block to PLAY

ACTION block to activate scene

SET block just sets the switch back to OFF

I hope this will work for you all


/Håkan N


Naarz said the opposite: that it's the Zipabox that accesses the URL. I think your explanation makes more sense - the Zipabox passes the URL to the Sonos but doesn't try to interpret it. I imagine that, therefore, any valid URL that the Sonos can understand would work, including the syntax that means "line-in"...?


Hi David

I think you should read this

I will try it myself as soon as possible.


Thanks Håkan! I'd read something similar before but just haven't had time to investigate. As I understand it, you need somehow to find the uuid of the Player (or Sonos Connect (?)). Your link seems to give clear instructions for obtaining it, so maybe I hadn't seen that page before.

I'll see if I can give it a try soon.


I have now done some tests.

When you want to play something.

Start with using your sonos app and choose a playlist or anything of your choosing.

then use this command to see what your sonos player has done.

Replace the IP with the IP of your own sonos device

Then you see a log of all things that has been executed on your sonos

Look for track and avt

655291.211: track = x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2tydmSyM7GhiBmkaetoj4B?sid=9&flags=0

655291.211: avt = x-rincon-queue:RINCON_000E5220CE4321400#0

Use two SET BlocksThe first is your sonos player and you tell that to play a queue (playlist)The second is a specific playlist

SET URI x-rincon-queue:RINCON_000E5220CE4321400#0

SET URI x-sonos-spotify:spotify%3atrack%3a2tydmSyM7GhiBmkaetoj4B?sid=9&flags=0

If you choose LINE-IN on your sonos then you will see the actual command that you will have to place in a SET URI command.

Good luck!


Brilliant! Got it working just now!


In my case it would not work.

My Sonos has rights for the folder i include in my rules. But Sonos can`t play the mp3.

Now i try it with a raspberry pi witch becomes the instructions from the Zipabox


I haven't been able to add all my Sonos Connect devices. Play 3 and Play 5 works with no issues.

How do I add Connect?


I don't think the Connect is supported at the moment. Kind of annoying, since I also have a Connect. The big thing for me would be to be able to group my speakers via the Zipabox. At the moment I'm using a mouse macro tool that I wrote, running on my laptop! :-)


yes, I think the Connect is a must for integration, and is long overdue. Also the ability to group the speakers would be great via the rule creator.


Yes! Especially since, as far as I can see, if you have a group of speakers and you change the URI via the Zipabox, it only applies to one speaker - there's no way to apply it to the whole group. As it stands, I hear the radio from all speakers in the morning, but when I want to play a brief sound via the Zipabox, I only hear it in the bathroom! I can then restore the original sound source to the bathroom, although the bathroom speaker remains split from the rest of the group.


I hope I'll be forgiven for posting from a Vera forum :-)

This post seems to tell us how to group Sonos speakers by just setting the URIs.

You can get the UIDs for the speakers with the hidden Sonos interface:

Essentially the idea is to send each "slave" speaker a URI which contains the UID of the master for the group.

I'll try it as soon as I can.


I tried this last night and it is indeed possible to point each Sonos speaker to the Sonos Connect. But since we can't control the Sonos Connect directly, we can't set the audio source for it. Doh!

But here is a page which suggests how this might be done with HTTP POST:

Looks very, very promising. I shall try again.


A couple more excellent resources.

This (in German) gives you a list of commands if you poke around in the PHP code. That's great raw material for putting together HTTP POST requests:

This one gives SOAP calls for removing tracks from the queue, adding to the queue, and playing:

From this lot, we should be able to achieve what we want. Fingers crossed.


I think I've sort of cracked the grouping problem. It's not exactly grouping, but good enough. See my post from just now.


Confirmed that it works 100%!


For those of you who use Dropbox or Google Drive, it might be possible to put your MP3s in a public folder and play with Sonos by using the public URL.

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