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Support for RFXCOM 433MHz - II

DRuw shared this idea 10 years ago
Under Consideration

Since the old topic has been locked for responses for some reason, can you please let us know when the support will be available and how to connect the module to the Zipabox?

Today there was a new firmware release but again without the support although promised many times already many months ago (see previous locked topic)

Please give us a real release date...

Replies (14)

1 next week...


RFCom is the name of the company. We have our own 433Mhz module, which doesn't have anything related to the RFCom.


Ok, but there will be support for the RFXCOM usb tranceiver module right????

This was the question all along in the previous topic as well...

It was told this was coming in the software revision of last march...

When will this be supported?

*** EDIT: copy-paste from previous topic:

"Sebastian Popovic

Posted 1 month ago

There will be a few options soon. First we will finally

publish our own 433 expansion module very soon (I know it should be

already weeks ago, but we really had a lot of production problems). At

the beginning, this one will support most popular devices within a range

of coco, oregon, lightwave and X10. Module is remotely upgradable as

well as the Zipabox, so the support for the devices will be increase

through the time.

At the same time, we will publish

support for the USB RFXCOM module, which support significant number of

devices based on 433Mhz frequency. This one is supported already, and as

soon as we add UI design support it will be functional."


Could someone from Zipato please have the politeness to react to this point.

It's is very simple to tell if support is coming soon or not en how it will be connect to the Zipabox. Thank you very mutch.


Agreed. New buyer here.

Just purchased a backup module since it has the USB port and expect to use my already owned RFXCOM USB device.

I thought it was clearly stated that this support was being made available at the same time as the release of the Zipato 433 module.

Please confirm your support for the USB unit or tell us clearly that it won't be supported. Either way, let's get it understood for all



I am wondering about this too. Sure they have their own 433Mhz module, which I bought, but you can't control shit with it. I bought it for my LightwaveRF equipment, but none of it is supported, what a load of ****. Till now the Zipato box is a Zwave controller which can control 433Mhz, X10, Zigbee and a lot of other protocols a bit on the side, but none of them sufficient i.m.o.

I guess for me the best solution would be to get a Zwave controller that does support the rfxtrx433e so I can finally start my home automation. Vesternet does an offer:

Z-Wave Vera Edge + RFXtrx433E Kit

Cost is £180.00, that is already cheaper than I spend on the Zipato and the 433Mhz module. :(


So can anyone confirm now? Is RFXCOM 433 USB transceiver working with ZipaBox these days??

Please, guys, bring us some closure, its been two years for god's sake...


An answer would at least be god. Even tho I suport more there one controller.


An answer would at least be god. Even tho I suport more there own controller to be more complete.


Dubble wrote and can't delete?


Does anyone have the answer ? Zipato support ?


Does anyone have the answer ? Zipato support ?


We need an answer! :-) Either support the rfxtrx433e, or make the 433 MHz module so that you can add your own 433 MHz stuff, a learning mode so to speak. At the moment the 433 MHz module is more a bit of a gimmick.


eny progress here Zipato?

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