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Synchronise ... Security ...

Interested shared this problem 9 years ago

When I click on Synchronise, I see new Date & Time,

then I click on F5 for refresh, I see one Day old Date & Time ????

The same is happening with Security, after entering the code, nothing happens .....

This strange behavior has been going on for almost a week :)

Anyone with similar problems ???

Replies (3)


What browser are you using?


I did try it in:

- IE

- Firefox

- Safari

- Chrome

In all browsers the same thing. Sync never ends or fails.

Increasingly it seems to me that I chose the wrong controller.

Not to mention old and new Dasboard.


If you have sync problems

>> here's a trick:

Disable all your rules > and turn on one and sync >> see if it works >> then turn on one more >> sync >> etc

If sync still fails >>

or go to the API >> BOX >> use the sync there.

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