Thermostat broken : Seriosly do something

xmeslin shared this problem 11 years ago

Zipato, can you honestly tell me if somebody in your company use the thermostat and do change on them regularly ?

It's not possible. Each time I do something it breaks. This time, I define away period and then I noticed I didn't change the temperature. Then I change the temperature to 11° and the temperature is the dashboard is not 11°

PS : I'm wondering why I keep posting to report issue and help you to fix since only once or twice you looked at them. Please not that firmware after firmware it doesn't change

Replies (7)


another issue. all thermostat are off and I have heating system on and they were off some time ago. Thank you zipato. With the system instead of saving some money I spend even more !!


another issue. I have 1 thermstat in permanently hold and when I put it back in program the requested temperature doesn't change. See attached.

Is it enough for you to consider you have real issues with thermostat or should I keep posting again and again ?


The problem was that in some cases the thermostat wouldn't actually start controlling the actuators after Zipabox reboot until the temperature was manually adjusted.

It happened

  • if the associated thermometer reported it's temperature before the start-up was complete
  • and the measured temperature was higher than temperature in the program

We've updated your box with fixed firmware. I hope you will be able to save some energy with this one...


ah thanks for that. Indeed what you describe seems to be some of my issues. Not sure it addresses everything but let's work step by step. I'll report new issue.


Still an issue. I put back the thermostat form permanently hold to run program and the temperature doesn't change.


xmeslin wrote:

Still an issue. I put back the thermostat form permanently hold to run program and the temperature doesn't change.
It seems you have been in AWAY/VACATION mode at the time you wanted to change back to program?


yes but the temperature was neither the away temperature or the program :)

PS : Away / vacation is not very user friendly.1/ To define it it takes too much time since I have 8 thermostats and it synchronize each time2/ Not easy to remove itThen I prefer to use permanently hold. Much faster but need to be in front on the computer to switch back to program

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