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Virtual Device's binding does not work

Daniel Stein shared this problem 7 years ago


There seems to be a big issue with the binding of devices in a virtual device. I just bought the pro version, but it's not working there either.

I've tested the creation a Virtual Device (Switch, Light) and then tried to bind Philips Hue devices to it. I can select the device in the bindings, but after saving, synchronizing and refreshing the app, nothing happens. When entering the settings/bindings of the virtual device the previously made selection is undone.


Replies (6)



I guess I don't understand what do you mean by "binding". Can you show me the rule of how are you trying to control your phillips hue bulb please?

Find attached and example of how you can turn ON/OFF a Phillips Hue Bulb using a virtual switch.



thank's for your fast reply!

I haven't used a rule to make it work. According to the possibilities within a virtual device shown in the Control Center, I didn't think about using a rule for that.

Here's what i've done in detail:

1. Created a virtual switch through 'add device -> virtual device'

2. Clicked on the new virtual switch

3. Clicked on 'edit'

4. Defined type as 'on/off switch'

5. Clicked on tab 'binding'

6. Selected all Lamps which I wanted to be part of this switch

7. Clicked on 'save'

After this procedure, I had a switch showing up in the Control Center.

This Switch does nothing, unfortunately. Entering the virtual switch settings as described above, the selection of the lamps also was missing.



I tried your solution through a rule, this does not work either. Strange enough, the lamps all marked as offline... even after deleting and adding them again.



Ok I see what you mean. Native Binding or Direct Association only work between two or more Z-wave devices, what this function does is creating a "direct link" between two groups of the devices. This is used so there is no dependancy of the Zipato Controler. For example, you can create a direct association (or native binding) between a Zipato Keyfob Red Button 1 and a Qubino F-Shutter, once you create this association using the zipato controller, you could even power off the controller and the Flush Shutter would still react to the Keyfob Red Button 1. This does not work with virtual devices, these "live" on the controller and they are linked to zipato servers, so, no controller, no virtual device.

Now, if you have created the rule, saved and synced succesfully it should work. If your lights are shown as offline then the problem is with your hue bridge and/or internet connection. I don't want to leave the obvious aside and make sure your lights are powered, then make sure you can control them using your hue app on your phone while connected to your wifi network, then see if you can do the same using your mobile data (remote connection), if all that works and the lights are still shown as offline then open a ticket on zipato support, looks like there is a problem with your controller. If you couldn't control the light in any of the previous steps then the issue is in your router or internet connection.

Another thing to check, see the IP on the attached picture, usually when you add your hue brigde to zipato it is recorded on the name, verify that the IP shown in the name is the same as the one in your bridge (you can see the IP on the hue app).


Dear Alberto

Thank you very much for your detailed and fast answer.

I will try to fix the hue problem as you mentioned it. If it won't work, i'll make a new ticket.



This is the link to direct support from zipato, use your zipato login info.

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