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YOUR oppinion on the Zipabox

Jan Vanrossen shared this question 11 years ago
Need Answer

Helly everybody,

I currently do not own a Zipabox but I'm looking for a good entry point in Z-Wave based automation.

I have read an interesting review of this product at which is positive but still lists important issues.

I thought it would be interesting to know what YOU, as an end user, think of your Zipabox. My question is addressed only to those people owning a Zipabox!

On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being bad and 10 being excellent), how would you rate:

  1. how easy it is to setup the product
  2. how easy it is to use the product in daily use
  3. the iOS app
  4. reliability of the product
  5. compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc)
  6. documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials
  7. support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community)
  8. the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes
  9. your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox
  10. if you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages.

Thank you so much,


Replies (15)


1) Very easy but adding devices sometimes causes problems (9)

2) Very easy with the app en dashboard (9)

3) Don't have the IOS app but's its basic now but does the job (?)

4) Good, but sometimes the cloud server is not available. But with the offline mode coming for the App this is not a real problem. (7)

5) What products do u mean?

6) Not so great but it's growing on the web and Zipato is coming with more docs (7)

7) Great fast respons on e-mail, not so fast on forum (8)

8) Last few weeks it's been fine (8)

9) Great buy for it's price (10)

10) Nope this is the first one i bought

Just buy it! :) and stop talking


1) If by setup you mean unpacking from the box and installing modules, then yes, it is pretty easy, with a pretty easy walkthrough and modules can be added quite easily (although it can be somewhat hit and mis sometimes). What is an advantage to some users I guess, is the remote access you don't have to take care of as a user, since the cloud-based way of operating things takes care of that. So I would give it a 8,5 for that.

2) My own goal when using the box, is not having to notice the box in everyday use. The best tester for this is probably my girlfriend; she should not complain about anything. Since the last months the cloud has been offline during multiple events (mostly for a couple of minutes only, but if I want to control something that is not connected to a button, that can be annoying), rendering the app useless, this is not entirely the case. So for now I give it a 7.

3) As Hero says, it does the job. But it does need a lot of clicks if you need the app to adjust the lighting level, for instance. And the feel is nowhere as nice as that of the competition. But it seems they will be giving others a chance to make an app, so hopefully somebody else picks up on that. I give it a 6, it works, but that's it.

4) As with 4, reliability is mainly depending on the availability of the cloud server. Not only for operation, but also for the rule editor. During every day use however, I don't have the feeling that the hard- or software is not fit for use in my home. So for now I'll give it a 7.

5) Since I don't have any experience with the competition, I don't know how the compatibility actually is in comparison. But from what I've seen so far, most Z-wave devices can be connected and if not, it's mostly a problem with the device to be connected. For instance the new Fibaro RGBW-module. I thought it would take them at least 2 months before it would be supported, but after only a few days there was a update providing the option to add it and create rules with colours and everything. Add to that that you can actually add KNX and 433mhz products, I give it a 9,5 for this item.

6) Documentation is very poor in my opinion. The lack of a good manual and various tutorials or basic scripts provided by the manufacturer is currently seriously holding me back in getting full potential from the box. For sure this has a lot to do with my lack of programming experience, but since Zipabox is promoted as being the easiest controller to program, you expect them to provide some good manuals to support the noobs amongst us. For this item I give them a 3, since they do seem to respond to programming questions on the forum rather fast.

7) Support through email is fast and good. They really make an effort to solve problems to my satisfaction and you don't get just a ticket#, you usually get someone assigned to you personally until your problem is solved. So I give them a 9 for that.

8) There was a period in between during which not much seemed to be happening. Now for the past 2 months they seem to be going full speed ahead again with regular updates and many bigger and smaller improvements. At the current rate, I'm fully satisfied.

9) If they would solve #6 and work on a nicer looking app, then I would be fully satisfied. It's stable enough to use in a home environment if you ask me. Vera seems to me to be much more complicated in regard to the rules (but then again, there is a much bigger community to help you out...) and Fibaro looks very nice, but you will never have the chance to connect other devices than Zwave.

From where I stand today, if I had to buy a new Zwave controller, I would still buy this box. Would I persuade others to buy it? Probably not, it's still to complicated for most people.

10) Don't have any experience with the others.


## how easy it is to setup the product


## how easy it is to use the product in daily use


A bit slow to synchronize everythime and it takes a bit of time. IOS app is just crappy for heating system. unusable

## the iOS app


toggle and light is ok.

Thermostat is unusable

## reliability of the product


I got bunch of issue mostly with thermostat and I still have some.

## compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc)

No comment. So far it's ok with my 4 devices


Fibaro 221


## documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials


Very low doc but it's not very complex and community can help on puzzle stuff

## support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community)


very hard to get issue adressed … quickly. I hit lot of issue and since support is not very fast I had to reset and redo everything instead of having support working on the root cause.

however now there is a proper ticket system to track our personnal issue which is good and I have to say my issue with the system are addressed (not fix though :))

## the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes


too slow for a young device even not yet in 1.0 version

## your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox


Thermostat look great (but no hysteresis yet) but I need to keep on eye on it because it can stop without reasons.

## if you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages.



Thank you for your feedback HeroS.


Thanks for your extended response Hans.


Thank you xmeslin.


1: 10 It's my first experience with home automation and I have no programming skill at all, on the other hand, I am really interested into technology stuff and I appreciate to look and learn by myself for new things I want to discover... It really was a simple task to install and set up the Zipabox.

At the beginning, I had to look for some tutorials to get my rules working, but now, after a few months of use, I think that I can already use a big part of the rule creator without any problem (I need to understand a few more things about variables but for everything else, I can understand every functionalities) and create average complex rules.

So I would say that the Zipabox is really easy to use at the beginning as you will only employ a small part of its possibilities, but then it becomes an addiction and seems like a game to create new rules more and more complex which will allow you to to crazy things with your home stuff ;)

2: 5 Disappointing at the moment...I hope some app coders will create great apps when Zipato releases the API for mobile apps. I can understand that the team's priority isn't the iOS/Android app as they still have to work hard for adding new functionalities and making the system more stable.

3: 8 It works ALMOST all the time...I already got some fear when I couldn't disarm my alarm on my way back home! Hopefully a few minutes later it was working again...BUT if the server had been off for longer???

That type of situation is really rare, but it should never happen for home automation stuff.

4: 10 As far as I am concerned I cannot complain at all concerning the compatibility with my zwave products!

ST 814


FGD 211 (4)

Fibaro WallPlug (4)






Zwave keyfob

5: 3 Almost none. You have to learn by yourself by practicing and look for tutorials all over the web (especially concerning the rule creator). But I must admit that at least, you will really learn to use your Zipabox the better way and understand every functionalities! ;)

6: 7 The community is growing, users can help you, the Zipato team does it's best I suppose...sometimes it's really fast, sometimes it's much slow...but you almost finally always get an answer.

By mail, they are really fast and efficient.

7: 7 It seems like it's getting better and better. For some bugs you won't have to wait much than a few hours before they get fixed. Sometimes, it's longer ^^

8: 9 Even with some small and rare bugs or short cloud reliability problems, I must admit that I really am fully satisfacted with my Zipabox!

One more step and it will really be a perfect and reliable solution for your home automation. Hopefully the cloud service will be the priority of the developers.

9: No, Zipabox was my first box.

I hope you will get all the informations you need with our answers! And don't worry, the Zipaboxis a good home automation system, it will be getting even better, and you'll can expect a nice help from the community! ;)


Thank you all for your feedback.

From what I have gathered you all seem to like your Zipabox but you also have some concerns and complaints.

  • Documentation is problematic. My point of view is that a community or forum is not a replacement for decent documentation. It's an easy solution from a manufacturer point of view. Before I purchase something, I always have the habbit of downloading the use manual because there is no better way of getting to know the product, how it works and what you can do with it. Unfortunately, the Zipabox is still a black box for me at this point.
  • The apps needs serious work and this is the most disappointing thing for me because I was looking for a solution that offers a clean, crisp and intuitive way of controlling the system through my mobile device. I don't like remotes lying around the house and a webinterface seems far from user friendly in terms of day-2-day use.
  • The cloud-model has issues.

Thanks again, Jan


On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being bad and 10 being excellent), how would you rate:

  1. how easy it is to setup the product / 3
  2. how easy it is to use the product in daily use / 4
  3. the iOS app / 5
  4. reliability of the product / 5
  5. compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc) / 6
  6. documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials / 1
  7. support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community) / 3
  8. the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes / 3
  9. your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox / 3
  10. if
    you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you
    rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name
    of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages.


I have no experience with any other box other than a Zipabox. My general feeling on the box and this market is as follows:

A) The home automation market is not mature so you must really view this and other solutions (vera, fibaro etc) as a hobby. There are very many things to learn with the plethora of devices and protocols and activation methods. If you do not have time to view it as a hobby then don't start.

B) Zipabox has a very low entry point but adding paid for services can bring the cost up considerably. Some services are monthly which means it may not be a pay once solution (depends on whether you need those extra services).

C) Zipabox is a cloud based system so you always need Zipato servers to program your own Zipabox. This is very different from many of the other home automation systems which provide servers and an programming API.

D) Zipato provide an easy to program interface with puzzle pieces allowing programming. For simple rules this is great but this approach makes it difficult to create complex rules. For example there is no "case" statement puzzle piece,

E) Zipabox works natively with the z-wave protocol which has very poor range. Z-wave devices are either battery powered or mains powered. You will almost certainly need mains powered devices for a real installation.

F) Do not consider a Zipabox + sensors (battery based) to be a reliable alternative to a dedicated security system. You are likely to find that the sensors cannot connect to the Zipabox owing to z-wave range issues. This means you must supplement the z-wave system with powered devices. This adds cost and also means that your security system is vulnerable to power loss! Zipato do have a module for security but you need to hard wire that all over your house. Zipato also integrate with some dedicated security systems but those are high end and the interface modules are expensive. Those high end security systems are also typically wired.

G) I chose Zipabox owing to it's relatively low entry price point, the SMS support and the great support. Overall I am fairly happy with the system but my impression is that the system does not quite deliver compared to the tone promoted on the web site.


Interesting info. I'm considering buying (I need KNX) but I'm put off by the rather poor support on the forums (lots of unanswered questions, including mine). I don't mind fiddling around to get things to work, but I need to know if they *can* be made to work!

I would like to know which services have to be paid for monthly. I can't find clear information on this anywhere. Is there a list somewhere? More transparency needed!


Sadly the documentation is poor and I think it shouldnt be so hard to do a decent one.

I am sure Zipato would be even more popular as it has got a lot of possibilities.


Short answer, buy something else!

On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being bad and 10 being excellent), how would you rate:

  1. how easy it is to setup the product - 5
  2. how easy it is to use the product in daily use - 5, WebUi is quite bad but works at least.
  3. the iOS app - 7, Using Android app, seems Ok.
  4. reliability of the product - 3, need a reboot evert 48h or so...
  5. compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc) - 4, In thery it should be good, but it seems that there always is a BUT... Yeah we support that product (but we wont tell you that some features doesn't work.)
  6. documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials - 0, useless! Almost no info exists, and that ypu can find is outdated or incomplete.
  7. support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community) 0, They answer only 50% of incomming support requests.
  8. the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes - no idea
  9. your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox - 3, rule creator could be really nice. if you know how to use it.
  10. if
    you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you
    rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name
    of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages.


On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being bad and 10 being excellent), how would you rate:

  1. how easy it is to setup the product - 6/7
  2. how easy it is to use the product in daily use - 7
  3. the iOS app - 7
  4. reliability of the product - 5/6 sometimes goes offline or not respond. Without internet connection scenes and other functionalities don't work.
  5. compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc) - 7
  6. documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials - 2
  7. support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community) - 5
  8. the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes - 6
  9. your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox - 6
  10. if you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages. - No other products

  1. how easy it is to setup the product / 5
  2. how easy it is to use the product in daily use / 7
  3. the iOS app / 7
  4. reliability of the product / 6
  5. compatibility for third party Z-WAVE (switches, etc) / 7 UPGRADE FIRMWARE ??
  6. documentation provided by the manufacturer through written documentation or tutorials /1
  7. support given by the manufacturer (through email or through this community) /5
  8. the speed by which the manufacturer releases bug fixes / 1
  9. your overall satisfaction with your Zipabox / 2 A LOT OF BUG YET
  10. if
    you have had a similar product from another manufacturer, how would you
    rate your overall satisfaction with that product. Please list the name
    of the product as well as major disadvantages/advantages. / COMPLEX ANSWER

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