ZIP-BACKUPMOD Discharging time?

José Miguel Rubio Varas shared this question 11 years ago


I just received my ZIP-BACKUPMOD. I had it plugged for a couple of days and I got always de red light (battery discharging) but never got the blue light (battery charging) long should I wait? By now if I remove the power supply the zipabox turns off...

Replies (1)


You shouldn't have to wait, backup module will start charging (if needed) immediately after Zipabox boots up / light changes from yellow to blinking green.

Please make sure your Zipabox firmware is up-to-date (see backup module instructions - it requires firmware version 0.9.962 and newer), and if upgrading the Zipabox firmware doesn't fix the problem contact us at with your Zipabox serial number and credentials.

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