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Zipabox cluster - howto and use cases

Kristian Franzen shared this question 10 years ago
Need Answer

Hi, just came to notice the zipabox cluster feature the other day. Can someone describe a bit of how this feature works and what benefits one gets out of it. Anyone tried it?

Many thanks,


Replies (20)


I am not sure about this, but isn't it something related to the control of multiple zipabox in the same group.


Thomas is's for multiple zipa's.

But also Zipato is getting(has) an zwave (?) certification and this is needed for that.


I was guessing so as well. Reason for asking, I have a garage a some 150 yards from my main house to which I have trouble getting reliable z-wave coverage to. Though, I have a wired ethernet to the garage and wondered if it would be possible to add a second zipabox there, join it to the same z-wave net as the main one and controll it all as one network.

That would really be sweet.


It should do the trick.

Not sure about the fact if you can control both zipabox with the same dashboard yet. But at least it is planned.

Better to wait for an official answer ;)


See also here:

Also, we will use this opportunity to present Zipato Cluster, allowing you to merge as multiple Zipabox controller units to the single controlable cluster, which you can access, configure and control the same way as the single Zipabox.


Cluster is like a virtual Zipabox. Once you create a cluster, you can add it to multiple Zipaboxes as their "cluster" (within a general settings > zipabox settings).

Afterwards, you can login to the cluster (with your username and password) same as to the Zipabox, but you will be able to see and manage all the devices which are joined to any of you Zipaboxes included in that cluster.

This allows you to manage bigger networks which included Zipaboxes on single location or multiple locations around the world.

If there will be more questions or support needed, we are ready...


will be possible to join already active zipabox??

Will see all in 1 dashboard ?

Thks Claudio


I think this is a payed service. Look under general settings and services (last entry).

Then when active you will have 1 dashboard for the cluster of multiple boxes.


This option functions with the Z-Wave or with the other protocols ?



I had an answer by mail.

I share :

"Cluster license allows you to merge multiple Zipaboxes. This way you also merge all the devices which are connected to each one of those Zipaboxes (no matter which protocol they are connected with).

Basically, cluster acts as a virtual Zipabox to which you can connect and use it as well as regular Zipabox. If you like to connect some device to it, you need to connect this devices to one of the Zipaboxes which are members of this cluster."


Hi, If I sum it up, the cluster allow to create a common dashboard to access all the devices controlled by each zipabox, but I still have 2 questions :

- can we build scenarii using devices taken from different boxes ?

- what happen when one of the box is down ? Is there any relay as it will be in a zwave network with a primary and secondary controller?

Thanks in advance for your answers.



Picking up an old topic but from a different angle; i understand a cluster would virtually make it a single zipabox. but to what extent? Can i manually decide to what zipabox a device is going to be connected to?

The reason I'm asking is that i have a pure Z-wave plus network at present. I now like to use a few regular Z-wave devices without degrading the performance of my Z-wave plus network. Could a cluster of two Zipaboxes be the way to go; one for plus and the other for regular devices? Having 2 different Z-wave networks in the same place, would that create radio interference as they are using the same frequencies?


The question is still not answered, any news? What is the status of the clusters?


Pretty sure clusters are not yet available.



As far as I know the cluster option will allow us to have two controllers in the same network, one will act as a master and will be able to see and control devices included in the slave network. This could be used for redundancy or in other words, if one goes offline, the other asumes the master role or could be used between different types of controler i.e. Zipabox with Zipatile. I don't know the status of the option but I think it will have to be ready once Zipatile is officially released.


Hi Alberto, sounds perfectly good! In my case, I would like to separate my Z-wave plus end points from regular Z-wave to have the benefits of the plus standard. Would 2 zipaboxes in a cluster work for that? Has anybody tried the cluster function and can confirm that it actually works?


A simple comment from the Zipato support team in line with "the cluster function is available" or "the cluster function is not yet available" would be much appreciated! If you feel this is an important function, you might also add what is currently availeble.



As far as I can tell you don't really need to separate your networks, I also have zipato and non-zwave plus devices and I can notice the differences between them. The range and sometimes the speed is higher on z-wave plus. Also technically, if you split your networks may affect performance depending of what type of nodes and their location you have. A few weeks ago I asked that question on zipato support and they answered that the cluster option is going to be functional when zipatile is released.


A few months ago I had even bought the cluster license but I got it refunded with the remark that it will not be available for some time to come. I hope they will add this function in the near future


I heard that it will come in the releasing firmware 1.0.x which are released soon, lets hope :)


Within this/next week guys! :)


Finally... Let's hope you are right...


supposed to have been release in may, june, july ... maybe i just missed the year . I have a Zipatile sitting iddle... only using it as a dumb terminal to my zipabox


Same thing, i have one Zipatile used as dumb terminal, and another one in the box.

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