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Support for Nexa wall switches (WT-1 & WT-2)

Jacob Berggren shared this idea 10 years ago
Under Consideration

I have a couple of Nexa wall switches and it would be great to be able to use them with my Zipabox.

Replies (15)


Try adding them as Nexa LWST-615.


That worked fine... is there a way to emulate the way Nexa does dimming? If you tap the button once it turns on the light. If you tap it again it starts a dimming cycle and when you tap it a third time it stops on that level.


I can't understand how you could add your switches and I can't add my WT-2.


I found a new thread on telldus abut the problem with this switch:

Maby this can help with the integration?


I just talked with Telldus, and they told me that al Nexa devices uses the same code?

If some smart guy can help me find the exact code for the WTE-2 in Telldus protocol so I can help Zipato make suport for WTE-2 switches.

Pleas make suport for WTE-2 switches!

Any way her is the code that Telldus uses for all nexa devices, even code switch:


Nexa has recently re-released their Nexa Pro (433 MHz) serie. From reports in the forum it looks like these doesn't work with Tellstick yet.

While doing some short tests, we can confirm that not all codes works with a WRR1-ON/OFF-receiver when sending from a TellStick. It seems that Nexa Pro uses two bits less in the house code since every 4:th house code seems to work (10, 14, 18, 22, 426, 430, 434, etc.). Further investigation might be needed. Maybe a solution is to make a new protocol with only a fourth of the house codes.

This kode should help Zipato be able to make suport for Scandinavian style most used wireless wall switch?

Please Zipato try get these switches working.


This is why Zipato should add WTE-1,2


This is why Zipato should add WTE-1,2




WTE-2 it's viable in the nexa compatible devices in Zipato control panel, however I'm not able to add it properly. When I drill down in the device manager I get "No endpoints". Already did:

- closer than 30 cm when adding

- re-boot

- deleting and adding again (several times)

I have read all the above comments to the nexa WTE-2 and 1, however I believe that it should work when Zipato have it in the nexa device list..

All comments and help is highly appreciated!


Having no endpoints with a 433 MHZ device is probably caused by firmware/software failures. So i would advise you to create a ticket for support


You should upgrade to latest beta FW release 8k.


I have latest beta fw 8q and could not find nexa wt-1, only wt-2.

It would be great if I could use my nexa wt-1 with zipabox!


I am not in the office now so I can't check it, but if I recall well, we had a problem with this device. The box simply doesn't receive messages from it and we couldn't support it.


Well it's Sunday so it's absolutely fine and ok hehe ☺.

But it would be great if you can look at this later on!


They do not work very good with Zipabox. Takes 5-10 seconds of press to react!


Hej Jacob (are you from Sweden ?).

So you mean it's possible to add wt-1 some how?

All my regular electric switch in my house are Schneider Trend series so that's why I really want to use this Nexa wt-1 (or wt-2 if wt-1 doesn't work).


Jes I am from Sweden. But I often write in English any way, so everyone can understand. If you want you can write to me in Swedish on:

Answer from Zipato:

We have supported the NEXA WTE-2 on your request and we have done it thebest we can. The limitations of the devices can'tbe overcome without exerting a huge amount of time in programming of theZipabox alone to make it work differently then it should.This will never be done since there are other devices which might work likethat from the box.*I don't understan what huge amount of programing you mean, but you couldhave used the Tellstic code to get it to work perfect.*This we experienced withthe NEXA WTE-2 here in the lab, so it requires a very specific way to bepressed. Again, this is the limit of the device and not theZipabox. We can't make the device do something it can't.*I don't know how true this is, but I can only say that when connecting itdirectly to a Nexa divice it works perfectly every time. No special pressof a switch, and when connecting it to Tell stick it also works perfectly.You can even see live the 433mhz input. So in my world there is a problemin the programing at your end. *The device is supported the best way it can be and it works,*IT DOES NOT WORK*We are sorry if this is below your expectations but this is it for thisdevice.

But for now you can't use WTE-1 and honestly I would not recommend Nexa WTE switches because Zipato have done so bad job with integrating it. They blame the functionality of 433 mhz and the switch itself.

The fact the 433 devices work properly when paired directly one to another is because they don't haveany overhead traffic. Meaning they communicate without unneeded information and react fast, while theZipabox isn't only communicating with the 433 devices but does a whole set of things it just takes longertime. The optimization is needed and we are aware of that but what can we in support do but to relay yourmessages and suggestions to the programmers, which are doing other projects and then your ideas getlost along the line.I am very sorry if you aren't satisfied, but at the moment the Zipabox will continue to develop in a way thatthe managers decide.

The sad thing with this is that the price of this switch is so good. And the alternative is Schneider Connect. I have tried to find an alternative but can't find any thing. And also Tellstick supports this switches and of course Nexa will.

But if someone find the perfect switch for Schneider Exact series for a good price. And with perfect I mean something like my switch ideas:

Best regards Jacob!

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