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Low cost http/zwave relay board zipabox compatible

Simone Biagini shared this question 10 years ago
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I'm searching for a low cost relay board, compatible with zipabox.

Zwave based or Http based (the best way,of course, compatible with zipabox but usable with pc/smartphone) or both.

Ideas? I know the ipx800 controller.. but I'm serching something simpler and cheaper (my needs are 4 relay and 1-2-3-4 input no more).

Replies (11)


Usually, cheap relay card can only be controlled by socket request, which is, actually, not possible with zipabox.

I bought a 16 relays card for 110e on roboshop, but I had to send it back because I cannot control it with zipabox...I wanted to use this 16 relays card instead of 2 ipx800 (8 relays)....but I definitely had to buy a second ipx800 to achieve my project.


mmm I know the actual socket limit (is really too much difficult zipato? :-? )

I'm thinking that I can overcome that limit running a local webserver over a simple device (over an openwrt router or raspberry) that can send socket request to relay board based on http request originated from zipabox.

It's not a failsafe trick, but I think ok for an home automation use and not too difficult to develop. :)


Seems too complex for me ;)

There should be the less devices as possible used to manage the home automation in a reliable way.

I will make it with my 2 ipx... ;)

Don't hesitate to keep us informed if you find another relay card or if you set up your workaround!


We have a Zipabox expansion module in development with 16 GPIOs.

Still haven't sorted out what the outputs should be (now they just OC/transistor).

What kind of devices in terms of voltage and current are you connecting to your IPX units, both input and output?




Tomislav , I think that more flexible solution is better.

I think that this type of expansion module need to support at least I2c, to make it potentially compatible with a lot of items, included economic relay boards with inputs.

Do you think that a GPIO only expansion modul make it sense? because with 170€ it's possibile to got an ipx800 that can be used also standalone.

Having GPIO / I2c directly on the zipabox force an user to use cables..

Why not develope, insted or additionally a zwave relay board that actually not exist?

A flexible solution must allow to drive dry contacts but also high current load.. so optically isolation is a "must have".

And same for inputs.. the best is the availability of optically isolated inputs and not optically isolated inputs.


Yep the idea of a zwave relay card is pretty nice ;)

Actually I have 2 ipx800 to control 5 Nice Ergo remotes

I am using 15 of 16 (8 X 2) relays available because each remote needs to be connected to 3 relays in my configuration (up,stop,down but you could only connect up and down if you don't need precise control of your shutters).


Good solutions here :

Rasperby Pi + relay board + http :)


thomasfr wrote:

Actually I have 2 ipx800 to control 5 Nice Ergo remotes


I'm looking for domotic system for home, but I'd like to use it (among other usage) to control some stores (6). They're radio controlled with Nice ERGO remotes (I have 6 dedicated remote and one which can control any of the 6). Unfortunately, I don't think it's a domotic standard, so reading your comment, did you succeed controlling your stores ? Could you explain to me how you did it ?



Look at modbus-tcp i/o. There is lot of manufacturers. But what I have understod there is a problem/bug with modbus-tcp on Zipabox. I don´t know if it works now.

I have plans to use modbus-tcp .

Common analog signals are

in/out 0-10 VDC

in 4-20 mA


Anything suitable?


I soldered the NICE remotes to the IPX800

2 wires per button (on the metal parts up and down of each button)

(picture from 1st test)

you connect these wires to NO and COM of each relay you re gonna use on the ipx800

you do this for every button you wanna use on your remotes


relay 1 : remote 1 UP

relay 2 : remote 1 STOP

relay 3 : remote 1 DOWN

relay 4 : remote 2 UP


that s why I needed 2 ipx800 (more than 8 relays used)

after that you need to create rules to command your remotes

I created virtual buttons for each button used on each remote (then I have hidden them from dashboard)


RULE: remote 1 UP

when remote 1 UP on

http request: (I am using the fugitive mode for these commands)

action remote 1 UP off

do this for every button so this makes a lot of rules

then I created a "way too complex to describe" system of rules to control my shutters (set them on 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%) by calculating time needed to open/close my shutters manually.

here is the final result of the case for the 2 ipx800 and 5 remotes

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