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Homekit Status

Stefan Westhäußer shared this question 4 years ago

Dear all,

I am currently rebuild a old house and went away from my old apartment running Zipatile 1.

This is now about 9 months ago. Since this I had no chance to monitor all what is going on. And I hoped that Zipato is jumping up to the train of many others smart home manfacturers as Home, Homey, OpenHab etc. to integrate HomeKit at least to show and control all things. I have many devices as my new heating floor system from controme using HomeKit. Ist there any news about time line or still negotiating the apple users :-)

THX Stefan

Replies (2)


Hi Stefan.

Do not worry, during this time nothing happened, everything is as usual :-)



I would like to inform you that Homekit is not integrated into Zipato platform.

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