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433 MHz sensor sensor scan
Under Consideration
I've got lots of old 433 MHz sensors that I used on my old Nexa/Telldus system. Once benefit of the Telldus system was that it automatically detected sensors. There are lots of "China" copies out there and having to find which (if any) that matches the Zipabox device list is hard. I've got several cheap "nobrand" ones that seems to be Oregon Scientific compatible.
I can't see why you could not implement a "scan" feature for the 433 radio. Just listen for any 433 MHz sensors for about a minute and add all compatible devices that were found.
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I have the same problem. I´m considering returning the Zipato to the store!
I have the same problem. I´m considering returning the Zipato to the store!
This is the main reason why I still use my trusty old Tellstick Net
This is the main reason why I still use my trusty old Tellstick Net
Yes, yes, yes please!
This would also address the feature request to be able to add 433 MHz devices using a remote control.
Yes, yes, yes please!
This would also address the feature request to be able to add 433 MHz devices using a remote control.
Would make life a lot easyer.. Its great that you support 433 devices, but adding them is a bit frustrating.
Would make life a lot easyer.. Its great that you support 433 devices, but adding them is a bit frustrating.
Adding sensors is a royal pain.
Adding sensors is a royal pain.
Why isn't this possible? I have lots of temp. sensors that I want to scan and then add...
Why isn't this possible? I have lots of temp. sensors that I want to scan and then add...
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