Dlink WebCam DCS-932L - Param
Can you help me for the configuration of my web cam, i don't know the parametters to put to get live stream
Capture d’écran...
Access denied
No connection
Real-time notifications may not work
Please send us your credentials to support@zipato.com and we will try to configure your camera.
Please send us your credentials to support@zipato.com and we will try to configure your camera.
thank's, i send you my credential to support
thank's, i send you my credential to support
The webcam widget is not updated. I alway get the same still image (2 day old)
The webcam widget is not updated. I alway get the same still image (2 day old)
You should configure your camera when it's suppose to send snapshots to FTP.
You should configure your camera when it's suppose to send snapshots to FTP.
any update ??????????????
any update ??????????????
After poking around the Internet I have found these URL's for the DLink 932:
For the "Snapshot Path" field enter:
For the "Mjpeg Stream" field enter:
replace "IPADDRESS" with your camera IP address
replace "PORT_NUMBER" with your camera port number (default is 80 which you can leave out)
Unfortunately that Web cam does not support the rtsp protocol so you have to leave the fields "High Quality Stream" and "Low quality stream" as blank
Remember to transfer the FTP settings given on the Zipato widget into the camera FTP settings (just cut and paste)
Hope this helps
BTW. I also set up my router with dynamic dns which works really well to my DCS-932LB1
Best regards
After poking around the Internet I have found these URL's for the DLink 932:
For the "Snapshot Path" field enter:
For the "Mjpeg Stream" field enter:
replace "IPADDRESS" with your camera IP address
replace "PORT_NUMBER" with your camera port number (default is 80 which you can leave out)
Unfortunately that Web cam does not support the rtsp protocol so you have to leave the fields "High Quality Stream" and "Low quality stream" as blank
Remember to transfer the FTP settings given on the Zipato widget into the camera FTP settings (just cut and paste)
Hope this helps
BTW. I also set up my router with dynamic dns which works really well to my DCS-932LB1
Best regards
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