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How to Recover Data after factory restore in Control center

Olof Andersson shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer


the recent downtime I did a "Restore to factory defaults" as a

desperate last resort to be able to access my Zipato zipabox. I later

discovered that when using my remotes and not the phone or computer the zipabox

did work, there was no problem with the box but with the connection to the

cloud. Everything works when using the remotes but everything in my Control

center is gone. Is there any way to get all my devices back to the Control

center? For example transfer them from zipabox to the Control center?

Replies (2)



I saddly inform you that unless you requested Zipato support for a full backup before restoring your processor, all your data is gone and there is no way to put it back. You have to start from the beginning, this is probably the #1 request to zipato; giving us the chance to back up our system, they are allegedly working on it but I guess you could still vote in the topic below and maybe open a ticket to request for it, just to make some pressure.


yes, one of the most basic and primary features a controller should have. This is taking a long time to implement.

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