Http request with JSON Payload

Chiquito shared this question 10 years ago


I'd like know if it's possible to add a Json payload in a http request?

I want use a API of a third party device that use JSON.

My Json command have some parameters.

For my test i use "Advanced Rest client" chrome extension.

I put my url : (

I choose "post" methode

I put my parameter in the "payload" field" :{"mac":"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX","password":""}

the request succed.

I tried to put this parameter in header or body field but does'nt work.

i tried as well to encode the payload and put an url like that

it does'nt work neither


Best Answer

Try putting this into headers:

  1. Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  2. Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01

and with JSON in the body.

Replies (3)


Try putting this into headers:

  1. Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  2. Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01

and with JSON in the body.


I tried but nothing hapen.

This is a screenshot of my request.

But there is anyway to debug it.I should post an idea to get a advanced debugger to analyse http request for example or variables in rules...

I tried to debbug with wireshark but unreadable for me.

Files: WOL.png

If you want to wake up a computer and have a webserver or NAS this easy to do.

go to:

Once you "installed" this website you will be able to do a WOL if you follow the procedure. Once you waked up your machine you will be able to Bookmark this URL to repeat this WOL-request.

Create for example a virtual switch an d create a rule:

When Virtual Switch Power On PC is ON


HTTP Request using method PUT with the URL you just bookmarked

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