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Migrating from Zipabox 1 to Zipabox 2

Gaff shared this question 5 years ago

I just ordered a Zipabox 2 with Z-Wave Module which should be delivered next week. How do I migrate my devices from Zipabox 1? Is there any step-by-step guide for people like me upgrading their hardware? Advice please.

Replies (2)


That's impossible. You can migrate rules but you can't migrate devices. But you can use the Z2 as Master and the Z1 as slave.


Hi Gaff. I am not sure the migration function is recommended yet. Please check with Zipato with a specific support ticket before you try it! Latest I read in this monster topic was that you need to create you new system all from scratch.

A second comment is that you will need to buy a multiserver license if you plan to add your old Zipabox as a slave.

@AP. What is your latest status? Is your new v3 system running ok? Are you using the old or new app?


// Henning


Hi Henning

The system runs fast and without dropouts, but some things are not working yet. For example Attachments in Messages, Backups, new Users, you can the alarm partions only use with cellphone or webUI, zipato keypads don't work.

At the moment I use still the V2 App the reason is that the V3 App is not only a App with a new design, everything will be changed. At the moment you have a lot of types of devices, thats history with the V3 App. You only have rooms and I believe 5 types of devices. The possibility to say this switch is a light, this switch is a doorbell, this switch is a Socket is not possible anymore -> it's only a switch not more. Also a split of devices is not possible anymore. For example if you have a Fibaro Motion Sensor, you can't it split in a motion and a temp sensor so that your app shows two devices. That's a problem if you just want to check how warm it is in your rooms. The next changed it that the webUI will die, except the rule generator. You have to do everything with the app and your cellphone. I'm a lot of faster with the WebUI, the WebUI is one of the biggest Advantages comparing with for instance with homey or homee. To recreate all virtuell devices and rules it took me 3 weeks.

When I want to use the V3 App, in the first step I have to rename all 140 devices + 100 virtuell devices (why? If you have 5 Fibaro Motion Sensors, all 5 have the name Fibaro Motion Sensor), I have to add to each device a room (not possible anymore via WebUI) and I have to build groups so bring a little bit of order in this chaos. At the moment I have not time for this additional adventure :-)


Thank you soo much for the feedback! Now I know for sure I will stay in the old version for as long as possible.

I aslo don't have the time and energy to spend weeks migrating to a newer system that I know I will not like.

When I tested the new app I also wondered if there will be any chance to sort all devices similar as the old app? It seems like there is an extra step(click) to see the status and no overview so very different?

Maybe the best setup today is the new Zipabox 2 running in the old v2 software. :)

By the way. I created two topics yesterday. Maybe you have some info there too?

1. What happened with Google Home?

2. What about running the v3 system offline/locally?

Thanks again! // Henning


I cannot answer your first question but I can confirm that the system still runs offline.


Hi, this is all very helpful information. I have a rather basic system with only few devices and i never used rules to their full extent. Sounds like I may be able to take advantage of the simplified user interface of the V3 app without loss of features. I'm just not all too happy about having to remap all of my devices. We'll see...


OK, so I purchased the Zipabox 2 with Z-Wave module, transferred all my devices to the new gateway but there are lots of problems...

- some of my dimmers (Fibaro1) and switches (Duwi Wall Plug) which worked fine with Zipabox1 are only partly recognized by Zipabox2. They show up as devices but don't have any controls. These are buried deep down in "Endpoints > switch > actuator > STATE" (example). How can I make these controls appear on the top level?

- some devices I see in the webinterface I don't see in the new App. Why? (everything seems to be synced)

- connected Z-Wave devices like Fibaro Dimmer 2 are available in the app but their current state or value isn't updated until I send a command

- thermostats in my smoke detector and heat thermostat are not functioning

- Philips HUE devices are shown but appear to be offline

- photos added to rooms in the mobile app don't show in the app on another mobile device

- icons set in the web interface aren't synced to the mobile app. Icons assigned in the mobile app aren't translating back to the web-app (just showing some garbage text)

- the Alexa Skill apparently doesn't work with Zipabox 2. Disconnecting and reconnecting the skill doesn't fix the problem.

This is all pretty frustrating. I'm thinking about returning everything and switching to Fibaro or Vera.



Did it work out for you? Was the problem related to the database issue that zipato had last weekend?


No, it didn't work our for me. Not related to server or database issues. Also, no response from Zipato support except for "we'll get back to you". :(


That's so bad! I have an order on a Zipabox 2 system waiting at my home automation supplier in Sweden and I wanted to wait with the order confirmation until I got your answer. I really like Zipabox 1 and I have used it since 2015, ofcourse it hasn't been friction free but I know it has been the same for all home automation gateways. I would like to integrate my Danalock v3 and this is using S2 protocol which Zipabox 1 doesn't support due to hardware limitations. @Gaff, have you registered a ticket? When I register a ticket I usually get an answer within 24hrs! I will wait with my Zipabox 2 order until I can recognize it more stable than you explain in this thread.


I did register a ticket and did receive a reply but it didn't solve my problems. It's sad - I really like the new model and the new app is so much better compared to the previous version. I guess in general Zipabox 2 will work better with newer devices ("Z-Wave+"?). So maybe in your case the V2 box will be the solution. In my case, it's not. I'll have to look for a different solution.


I did buy a Zipabox 2 which runs V3 and still have my Zipabox run V2. The new one makes so much fun. Fast. All devices (so long) were to include (old one did not like some devices). New App is so far under construction but in detail more than one level above the old one. Step by step I will migrate my devices to the new Zipabox 2 and the old one will be in the last step a client of the new one. Which works great! Multiserver concept is genial and has not competetor on the market.



Do I pay multiserver license once or is it annual?

Do you know if there is a guide for multiserver set-up?

How does it work? Can rules be stored in both master and slave? Can the control devices included in the master?


I just got an answer from Sebastian in another thread that it is a one time buy license.


Dan, you got all answers?

The idea is: you have one system. Sytem can have one master and up to 4 or 5 slave controller. Virtual devices and rules work as if all masters and clients one virtual machine. I.e. door sensor from Zipabox 1 (client) sense door open.A rule detects that and let a light go on by switch which is included to Zipabox 2 (server). Because of that all virtual devices are gone when you change from V2 to V3. Same with rules. But the concept is genial.

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