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RF433 Learning Mode

John Rabbit shared this idea 11 years ago
Under Consideration


There are many 433MHz devices on the market. Unfortenately most of them have slightly different protocols. By putting the Zipabox in some kind of learning mode you can record a command from a TX-device and assign a tag to this command. In a RX-device you can assign an operation to this tag.

This way you can easily build a large database with all kind of devices.


Replies (20)


This will be helpfull like it is for Ir remotes !


This is the feature I miss the most from when I had the Tellstick Net!


Yes it will duplicates feasability of connecting RF devices, we need it dear Zipato team ! :-)


There is lot of older and simple on/off devices, with which could easily do this. Also there is simple info devices, like doorbells, which could also get added this way.



could we have an answer from Zipato about this topic ?

Realy, being able to use any 10Euros RF power socket by learning its controler would be a great feature (in my opinion).

I know that there is no security nor acknowledgment that the commande is actually received, but I never missed a command with mine (just switch ON/OFF a light), which is not the case with z-wave devices...

So please give us an answer.

Thank you


29 likes and zipato say "Under Consideration"

Strange situation !!!


"Under Consideration" is the default action that all new ideas get. Does not mean anything until they change the status or make a comment.


new idea... one year after...and 32 likes...


38 likes =D


Good idea. Vera controller owners enjoy this "learning" feature with 433 module, would be great to have the same in Zipabox.


Like this ide 2!


yes, this would help a lot with lightwaverf devices not supported at the moment.......


1 year on and still nothing...


Too bad indeed.

Yesterday we got the keys of our new home. Previous owners installed an airco unit with a 433mhz remote and an electric garage door with remotes that operate on 433mhz aswell. Unfortunately there is no way to connect these to my Zipabox, it seems...


I'm also waiting a long time for this, Homewizard already has this option for ages now.


I've just sold my zipato and i buyed rfxtrx433 with other zwave controller.


that's probably the best solution.


Its one solution, I don't think it the best. Why does everyone want to stick to 433. There is limited devices with two way feedback, no mesh networking, just buy the additional few modules you need to integrate into z-wave. Yes it would be convenient, but not as inconvenient as losing the puzzle maker or ability to use Enocean sensors or Zigbee HA devices. The world is moving on and with Zigbee 3.0, Thread, AllSeen Alliance all integrating together, and then Apple Homekit (probably bluetooth) I'd rather stick with a controller that moves with the times and is upgradable.

For the sake of a few hundred dollars I know where I'd spend the money, and it would also go to help Zipato support more of the devices/protocols to come.

Just my two cents.


First off, that would defeat the purpose of the 433Mhz-module.

Secondly, many devices (not specificly targeted for home automation) are controlled at 433Mhz.

In my case, my garage door and airco unit both have remotes using this frequency.


Exactly, I bought the 433MHz module for that reason. It was actually the reason I bought the Zipabox in the first place.

And as far as I am concerned it IS the best and cheapest solution. Buying the "few" modules I need would mean buying more than 10 switches, a couple of magnetic switches etc etc......... buying a new Z-wave controller and rfxtrx433 would be cheaper.

loosing the ability for Enocean sensors or zigbee would not be inconvenient as I have no such devices. Neither do I do Apple.


I understand, I just personally would prefer have a two way feed back and a secure RF transmission for my garage door. I realise the workaround is a contact sensor, but you would also need to make sure you Zipabox is close enough to your garage door, otherwise a repeater is also necessary. As for the Aircon unit, can you use an IR controller for this? I realise this is adding another expense, but sometimes its worth it. Makes your Z-wave network stronger and keeps your devices secure.

Although I must admit, it does seem that everyone would like the 433 module to have the learning ability. Is this really so hard to configure? Zipato should just do it and then they can be done with having to integrate anything themselves. Or will it just add more headaches?


Well. I hope Zipato is reading this conversation and will get back to us.

main purpose of the 433MHz module is that the 433MHz technology is wide is everywhere...

Now I understand the there are different communication protocols and even different modulations...which makes thing even more complicated...i.e. I have KOTI, LIVOLO and ORVIBO touch switches in my home, all RF based. The LIVOLO is ASK and the KOTI is FSK modulation. They will never ever be controllable with one unit...shame, but at that time of purchase I did not know.

What I know that I have cheap Chinese controller, which does have this functionality, simply I put it in learning state and it is waiting for a signal...obviously it will not be able to handle all signal types due to the technical limitation of the modulation types, but what technologically it can learn it will...same logic as IR learner... This is all we want here...

Question, is it difficult to do? Copy Chinese technology...:0 I can send this unit to Zipato if needed...


They have 3 options, not sure what it takes to implement, but it would be much appreciated.

1: Make the 433 MHz module learning, so people can add things themselves.

2: Support the rfxtrx433 module, like other z-wave controllers do. (but this would mean they won't sell any 433 modules I guess).

3: Get 433 devices supported faster. Though this would probably mean a lot of man hours etc, so least possible to happen.


Livolo touch wall switches for example are arrround 20$ with dimer and 433Mhz remote (and also have 2 way compatibility). There is no real z-wave alternative to this. They are a great deal, and zipato cant controll them.

Rfxtrx433 supports them. An alternative should be adding rfxtrx433 compatibility


I've found that they are working on it:

(no news in 4 months)


yes I made that request............but by the time they get supported I might need to replace my z-wave controller...... lol.


Just bear in mind Livolo will not be 100% reliable working. Sometimes the switching state is not picked up by the switch due to the modulation...

Nevertheless, still a great selling point.


Maybe the problem just is that Zipato needs to store all those RF codes somewhere and there is not enough space on the box ?


Im also frustrated by the lack of learning capability for the 433Mhz Module. I a running an Australian made garage door opener that will never be included in the list of supported devices. Currently the only option is to buy more z-wave hardware to rig some form of contact closure to the motor unit.


An Australian made garage door opener should still have a switch input. You simply need a contact relay switch to activate it. Try the Fibaro Binary sensor. At least with z-wave you will have a gauranteed feedback of whether the door is open or closed to.

Also I am pretty sure this feature is being worked on, so we may see a self learning function soon. Fingers crossed.


It is funny in a way.......... I have an 8 channel 433mhz relais switch board, like this example:

I can control it with the Broadlink RM pro and integrate with Tasker etc for the total price of £30.00

Though my Zipato box with 433MHz module with a total price of £200.00 can't control it........... ROFL.

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