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How can we manually change Danfoss Living Connect temperature ?

Gael Poffet shared this question 11 years ago
Need Answer

I just started with Zipabox and 4 Danfoss valves 014G0012.

I have all setup correctly as they are all visible on MyZipato Dashboard as Meters.

Now I would like to manually change the temparature set on the valve from the Zipato interface. How can I do that ??

I cannot used Climate option as I don't have any thermometers in the same room and thermometer in put is mandatory.

Thanks for help

Replies (7)


Then try to use a scheduler in the when as a trigger.

Have one scheduler fort the start time and an other for the stop time.

And at start set TEMP=18 and at stop set TEMP=20

One rule for start and one rule for stop.


Yes, scheduler would be an option if I want to schedule temperature changes..

But if I just want to increase by a few degrees the temprature right now I don't want to create a rules for that... I looking for a simple equivalent of the up and down button of the Danfoss valve.


A schedular rule can look like this...

if you make sure to sync the schedular-event-time with the if-time, you can have all in one rule...

ops, sorry wrong answer ;-)

don't think there is a good up/down-virtual device to use for this.

One way to do it could be to use a "virtual level control" to input the temerature (in %)

But that will just show 0% - 100% so you have to recalculate before you set the temp.

then use a virtual meter to present the calculated value, so you kan see what temp that given procent value is.

Create a Rule that triggers on the change of %level

Recalculate % to a temparature value

set METER=value

set DANFORS=value

Then you have something that you can use to change and see the set value.

But doesn't the DANFORS have that functionality????

(I don't know I don't have any thermostate)


there is no way to manually set the danfoss units... this should be implemented instead of a workaround with rules and everthing.

Your idea is nice but should not be required in my opinion... how hard could it be to make a input field at thermostats and danfoss units?


I don't think that an input field is needed. Two buttons "+/-" should be enough. Exactly as it is done on the Dafoss valve.


hi, for myself i have the same config as you, and i use the climate widget, to bypass the need of a thermostat, i create a virtual thermometer and user it in thermometerendpoint with custom as function.


I also tried that, but when I create a virtual thermometer as new device of type "Virtual meter" it never appears in thermometer endpoint in Climat config screen.

How did you do it ?

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