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How to manage with Zipabox some motors controlled by Arduino to open/close valves...anyone know how?

Carlo shared this idea 10 years ago
Under Consideration

Hi at all!

I'm not able to find a z-wave device that it could manage open/close valves (90° or more than 360°). Now I'm trying to do something that with Arduino.

I need to link/share Arduino with Zipabox (maybe more than one Arduino to control some valves) to manage some stepper and servo motors those should open/closethe valves (natural gas and water).

Is it better to try to connect these two devices with a Zipato zigbee module or Zipato serial module?

Could be this module compatible to manage with Zipabox the motors controlled by Arduino?

...every suggestions will be apreciated!!



Replies (4)


I am not used to Arduino related you need to control the gpio? (I suppose that it kinda works like a raspberry pi)

If you can control them using http requests it will work by creating a rule and using the "http request" puzzle part


WHEN "condition"

HTTP REQUEST "http://ipofyourarduino:port/examplevalve=0

If you need to control the arduino using socket requests, as far as I know that feature is not yet working with zipabox.

Maybe you could also use an indirect way to control the arduino (using scripts and a server) but it will require some programing skills to achieve it.

Concerning the fact of using zigbee, I don't really get it as arduino is not zigbee compatible as I know. (but I can make a mistake, or do you use any kind of adapter?)

I am not sure that zipato serial module is able to send signal to other things than a wired alarm but you should ask this to zipato team by using the support page.

I hope it helps


Hi Thomas.

Thanks for your answer and ideas.

I should control three motors: two are servo motors (they should turn a valve only for 90° to close the primary methane valve and the valve near to kitchen) the other one are a stepper motor and should close the primary water valve of flat to avoid water leaks.

All these devices should be controlled by some water sensors, smoke and methane.

Arduino can control all those motors enough easily, but I need send commands to it when a sensor was alarmed.

Arduino can use zigbee/xbee (with a shield of a third part), but I haven't yet zigbee shield and the zipato zigbee module to test how they can comunicate with each other.

I'd like to know if I want to do is possible with those devices to not throwing money away!

Unfortunately I don't know raspberry pi and I never used rules with http request, but I'll try it.

I submitted this question to zipato and they suggest me to write here.

I hope someone had made somethin like that to confirm only the feasibility of this project.




I was going to tell you to ask to zipato' support team until the end of your comment... ;)

Can't they tell you if you will be able to command arduino's zigbee shield using the zipato zigbee module?

I won't be able to help you much, sorry.

Maybe you should ask on an arduino's help forum about this...


How about, if you go to build mechanical limit switches to the servos and the motor? Then take a any common z-wave relay switch, and change relay to dual changeover relay isolated from original circuit, and use only points to control motor and servos rotating direction. Switch "on" motor rotates towards "open" limit switch, and switch "off" rotates motor to "close". I think, this could be more realiable, than many conversions from one protocol to another.


Hello Jki.

I thought to use a roller shutter module because it has also the limit's controller but it can drive only devices with power supply of 220 Volts. My motors are between 2.8 Volts and 24 Volts.

Maybe it is possible to use a AC-DC converter for Voltage and power but could become complicated.

Perhaps your idea could be the better way, but I'm not an expert in electricity and electronics, but only self-taught.

I don't now how to modify switch and how can do to have opens/close limits to stop motors when they work to open and close. In this way where they take power supply? I think they have to be always powered to wait a command from switch... this could be a heat problem for motors.

Thanks for help.




Because your original idea with Arduinos is not very simple however, I draw a clarification sketch for you. If you like to think options.

Done this way, motor don't draw any current, when it is in limit. After polarity change, it runs to other limit, and then stops. With gas valves, you don't need any partially open states, only complete open, or close, i think?



Thanks a lot, Jki!

Now I'm understanding that I should have to finish my study in Electronic engineering when I was young.... ;-)

With this info I can try to follow your suggestion because the problem is know the basis of electronic. Follow an electronic scheme should be in my ability!

Let's see if I understand correctly, I need:

- n. 1 double changeover relay isolated (to manage 24 Volts needs to move motors and to control open/close valves)

- n. 2 diode and limit switch (they should feel when motor work on limit and stop power)

Other question:

- You draw to pull out only 2 coils from first relay. I have some Fibaro double on/off relays (2x1,5Kw), can I use the output connectors from relays who are for on/off?

I have some doubt how to connect servo (it's bidirectional so it has 4 wires, 2+/2-) and stepper (3 wires, 1+/1-/1feedback), but during weekend I'll try to find the way!

Excuse me for a lot of questions but this issue it's becoming interesting!

Thanks again!



Aeon relays are easy to modify, at least. I don't know, how Fibaro relays are built, i have not any Fibaro... But if it is not completely casted with epoxy (which unfortunately for example Qubinos are), then remove the original relay(s) and discard it(them). Then solder wires to old relays coil holes, and bring them out for the new relay coil(four wires for double relays). Cover these wires carefully and don't touch them, when it is connected to mains, there could be non-isolated live available.

If you find somewhere 24Aac valve control motor, it even more easy to convert. It needs only one-pole changeover relay for both directions.

RC servos are not directly suitable for this idea, but you can use motor and gear however. They are pwm driven from control circuit, and needs some kind of "intelligence".

Better explanation fails to my inadequate english skills. You have to read "between" words...


Thanks again Jki!

Your english is clear, but it's my electronic knowledge is worse than my english!

I'm an Italian ham radio and I'm starting again to work with electronic items to improve my knowledge.

It isn't easy to find people, like you and from other country with different language, that are willing to spend their time to try to teach and share their knowledge to others.

I'll try to do something like your ideas hoping to realize something that work.

Thank for your time and patience.

Have a pleasant wk!




Of course there is one more choice still. You can have an external relay with 220Vac coil (or more can be driven parallel) and control it directly from Fibaro relay's original output without any modifications. for example. Even the coil is operated by mains voltage, the switching side can be used with any voltage.

73' OH6GGL


…mmmh, this idea seems to be easier for my knowledges!

Also the price seems to be not too expensive.

With one Fibaro module in the past I had a problem about heat after a fallen, it wasn't been so easy to open to re-solder a component.

I'll try to find someone like relay in your link to work on and try do do what I need.

Thanks a lot

73 de IZ3IBY, Carlo


I'm also looking to incorporate Arduino into the Zipato environment. I opend a topic to get support voor This would help I guess in the home build sensors and actuators.

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