NodOn_WallSwitch cws 3-1-00 dissapeared and can't be added back to my zipabox

J_A_G shared this problem 8 years ago

There are other treads about the NodOn_WallSwitch cws 3-1-00 but they are mostly old so I hope it's ok with another... The instruction is here

I bought one of these recently and I've had it registered (in Gateway mode) on the Zipabox but it only worked when it wanted to. Twice the device has disappeared from the Zipabox device list and the rules invalid. It is not impossible that the WallSwitch has been "factory reset" by mistake but I'm not sure if that should cause the device to be removed without a trace in Zipabox? Any experience out there?

My current problem however is that I'm not able to add it back to my Zipato. As far as I understand I should long press button 1+2 and then short press 1 both to include and exclude. The Zipabox asks me to exclude first but it doesn't react when I do. I've found that 1+2 then 3 will pass the "exclude step" but I have found no way to get the inclusion to work again. On the device the "pink glow" and "pink blink" seems to be right, but I don't get any green confirmation as expected.

Can the device be hiding somewhere in the Zipabox memory and thus become rejected when I try to add it again? Where should I look? I don't want to master reset the Zipabox, I guess?

What is the current support status for NodOn_WallSwitch cws 3-1-00 ? Should I give up?

I was a bit afraid that the recent "brand limit: 3" was a problem for me, but I should be able to add any number of z-wave devices.

So far as I know all other devices works fine, I have 433Mhz, Virtual and Z-wave in a mix and only the Nodon acts up.

Replies (10)


I this thread is marked "known". What does this tell me? Is there a link to more information around?


It might be that it was added already and cannot be added again. Go to API / devices and see if it is listed there. Also have you reset the switch before including. Exclude and re-include in this case is not enough.


JAG, Did you get it solved?

I have the same problem with one NODON 3.1.0 also.

It just stopped working.

I deleted it from device manager.

After having the battery out for a while I'm able to reset the NODON, But still not able to join it with the zipabox again.

I press 1 and 2. It glows pink. Press 1 and it blinks pink, but never confirm with a green blink.. and the zipabox will not find it.

Unsure if this is a zipato or NODON issue.


Got this answer from NODON

Thank you for choosing NodOn.

Is it possible to :

1 - Replace the battery by a new - branded (some low cost batteries are not strong enough for inclusions) - one

2 - Do a factory RESET by holding buttons 3+4 until the LED blinks in red and green

3 - Do a new inclusion

My battery shows up as green on the batterytest. But will try with a fresh new battery later.



did anyone get the problem solved so far?

I have exactly the same problem, J_A_G described above. In API / devices my device is not listed anymore.

Best Regards



Hmm... yet another wallswitch which can't be included... :-/ On this forum there are several users with ZME-Wall-C switches with the same problem. A time ago they worked fine, now they can't be included anymore. (Tickets are open)

I hope that Zipato will take this serious and fix this soon...


After several (20 or more) unsuccessful attempts to reinclude my nodon wall switch again, yesterday suddenly I had luck.

What I did directly before:

- I've deleted all rules where the switch was involved from former inclusion

- I've used functions REMOVE NODE and ADD NODE in Z-Wave-Network-Settings and after that the normal include function again.

--> After that my nodon switch was successfully included again

But my original problem seems not to be solved after reinclusion: My switch doesn't always react on first click furthermore:

Nodon wall switch reacts allways after second press


Hello Guido,

I have similar problem with Nodon micro smart plug (MSP3-1-11) . Can not re-include it again. I think, that somewhere in configuration has left some information from this device when it was deleted ... I think I have to use some option like this "Remove failed node" .

Please can you advice me ? Where I can find this setting you mentioned - Z-Wave-Network-Settings ? I'm browsing WEB UI for my ZipaBox , but can't find Z-wave-Network-Settings.




Hi Peter,

you'll find these settings when you open Device Manager and click on the small gearwheel behind Zwave (see my screenshots).

Hope that helps.

Best Regards



Thank you Guido . I didn't notice it before, now I got it. I will try it . Thanks.



... I found it , thanks one more time. But for now didn't use. I'm afraid , what will happen. Remove node - I will remove whole Z-wave node ? With this , there will be removed all devices, I think. Will it easy work , when I will press Add node ? All devices will be back ?




Don't worry... after pressing Remove Node a popup will appear (see screenshot) where you can exclude a single Z-wave device... not the whole Z-Wave node (all devices).



I did it. Thank you very much . Finally my Nodon micro smart plug works again.



Hi all.

It seems that Nodon Wall Switch is a tricky peace. I have 3 Nodon Wall Switches in my system and one is always giving me trouble. I have replaced the switch with new Nodon Wall swithes two times, and seems to work, then after some time the switch stops working. It can start with that you have to click two times before it react and the you have to push 1+2 so it became purple and then it worked again, but now it's not working again. It's still in the devicelist. It's still in the rules creator and nothing says that it doesn't work. I can syncronize both rules and Zipabox. The app for IOS is always working. Someone has this?


I have a similar problem with NodOn Soft Remote.

The buttons do not work any more (worked earlier) and I cannot include the device any more. Several weeks ago I got instructions from the support to use "add node" function to include the device. Tried that. The inclusion process started normally but always ends with "configuration failed" error message. After reporting this I have not been able to get any response from the tech support despite of multiple tries.


I have exactly the same problems with mine on openHAB

It happened for the first time when I wrote that post, and on mon 30. April it happened again.

Not very happy with them. What other alternatives are there?

Wished Fibaro made wall remotes. The Button and The Keyfob are rock stable battery devices ...

And yes, I actually heard back from NodOn support regarding inclusion.

Take the remote and the stick away from your Z-Wave network (and other radio sources) and do the inclusion without any possibility for interference. That worked for me, but I really hate the dropouts I'm seeing.

Could be an issue with the Aeon Z-Stick Gen5 and the NodOn, because when this happens, even the Zensys tool is unable to hear anything from the remote.

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