Archived Topics

Fibaro Switch 2 Supported ?

Archived Torbjorn H. General Comments: 7 Reply 7 years ago by Vedran B.
4 votes

when zipabox is offline, how to control the modules?

Archived sebastien c. Comments: 18 Reply 7 years ago by Jörg
16 votes

FW 1.1.35 New rules with a scheduler do not work

Archived acteck Rule creator Comments: 3 Reply 7 years ago by Nicklas S.
3 votes

How does the Fibaro Motion Sensor work with Zipabox?

Archived Thomas General Comments: 13 Reply 7 years ago by Alberto M.
1 vote

ARW protocol

Archived Christopher General Comments: 6 Reply 7 years ago by Adrian V.
1 vote

Zipatile front page - thermostat

Archived Jens J. General Comments: 0 Reply 7 years ago by Andriano
3 votes

Virtual thermostat's program week & SRT321

Archived Stephane R. General Comments: 0 Reply 7 years ago by Andriano
1 vote

fibaro smoke sensor alarm broadcast not working

Archived Sepp M. General Comments: 5 Reply 7 years ago by Jens J.
3 votes

Need simple virtual fader rule.

Archived Bill H. Rule creator Comments: 8 Reply 7 years ago by Bill H.
1 vote

Stream from analog CCTV

Archived Rafal 7 years ago General No Comments
1 vote
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