Archived Topics


Archived Rene C. General Comments: 4 Reply 22 months ago by Ciara V.
1 vote

"re-apply device descriptors" What is?

Archived vincenzo e. General Comments: 4 Reply 22 months ago by Tamás E.
15 votes

Login to iOS or Android app by PassCode or pattern code

Archived mohsen.tnz Comments: 13 Reply 22 months ago by Ciara V.
3 votes

architect electro map of devises

Archived Laurens S. General Comments: 1 Reply 22 months ago by Ciara V.
2 votes

Improvments on Virtual Thermostat

Archived Mats V. Thermostat Comments: 3 Reply 23 months ago by herri j.
3 votes
2 votes

There is no internal devices in Zipatile2

Archived Klyusa R. 2 years ago General No Comments
2 votes

Boot/Shutdown PS4 or a FireTV with Zipato?

Archived Christoph General Comments: 9 Reply 2 years ago by Andriano
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Alexa V1 is not working

Archived Daniele General Comments: 0 Reply 2 years ago by Andriano
1 vote
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