All Problems

Recover the password

Known Vaiva A. General Comments: 1 Reply 4 days ago by Andriano
1 vote

The app and cloud seem to be off?

Known Roberto H. General Comments: 7 Reply 15 days ago by Andriano
5 votes

zipamicro update

Known christian s. General Comments: 3 Reply 27 days ago by Andriano
1 vote


In Progress Dima General Comments: 36 Reply 3 months ago by hicks p.
3 votes

Can't connect to zipabox

Known Benoit C. General Comments: 1 Reply 4 months ago by Andriano
1 vote

Timeout updating Ztile Firmware

Known Alberto M. 6 months ago General No Comments
2 votes

Master server is offline

Known acteck General Comments: 30 Reply 7 months ago by Andriano
20 votes

Controller fails to synchronize with servers.

Known nextcom s. 7 months ago General No Comments
6 votes

Server Firmgrade does not work

Known Steffen 8 months ago General No Comments
1 vote
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