Archived Topics

Sonos Play IP

Archived Rafis S. 6 years ago Rule creator No Comments
2 votes

Zipatile Offline

Archived Steen H. General Comments: 31 Reply 6 years ago by Attila H.
9 votes

Feature request for the Zipatile UI

Archived Jacob B. General Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Svein H.
5 votes

Network Connection offline, Zipatile is not happy...

Archived Jens J. General Comments: 0 Reply 6 years ago by Sebastian P.
2 votes
2 votes

Z-Wave device inclusion timed out

Archived Erik S. Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Fredrik K.
7 votes

how to install google services on zipatile

Archived Willie S. Compatibility Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
2 votes

theres nowise stability ...!!!

Archived mehrpaad General Comments: 11 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
3 votes

Venetian blinds and Zipatile

Archived Jozef H. Compatibility Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
1 vote

Networks disappeared and syn doesn't work

Archived Manaridis T. Security Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Stefan
2 votes
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