Archived Topics

Siren can not be configured

Archived Esben H. General Comments: 1 Reply 7 years ago by Esben H.
2 votes

State of device instead of V1 alarm in Android App

Archived Klaus G. General Comments: 4 Reply 7 years ago by Klaus G.
1 vote

Missing Release notes for 1.2.21 firmware?

Archived Alberto M. General Comments: 14 Reply 7 years ago by Jan
13 votes

Virtual Weather Station - Cloudiness

Archived David H. Rule creator Comments: 40 Reply 7 years ago by David P.
10 votes

Zipatile Panic button

Archived Francisco M. 7 years ago General No Comments
2 votes

Can not change sensor in the alarm zone

Archived Weslop General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by Weslop
1 vote

Is anybody else having a problem with Zipabox weather?

Archived David P. 7 years ago General No Comments
5 votes
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