Archived Topics

Use Alexa to issue on/off commands to dimmers

Archived Huw P. General Comments: 23 Reply 6 years ago by Alberto M.
23 votes

What happened to the Energy tariffs section?

Archived Adrian V. Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Alberto M.
2 votes

zipbox sinchronization fail

Archived Max A. Comments: 10 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
4 votes

Light turns on by motion but stay on

Archived Finn Rule creator Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
1 vote

Setting thermostats

Archived Finn 6 years ago Rule creator No Comments
1 vote

Camera FTP Upload failed

Archived derHelle w. Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Martin
3 votes

Support for Logitech Harmony Smart Control

Archived Theo v. Comments: 26 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
89 votes

IR Rule

Archived Roger Rule creator Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
1 vote

Control Bose Soundtouch with zipabox/zipatile

Archived d g. General Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Adrian V.
4 votes
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