- 1.) First put the WHEN puzzle, and after that you can add other puzzles
- 2.) Add 2 IF puzzle blocks into WHEN puzzle
- 3.) Add SENSOR in WHEN puzzle
- 4.) Open OPERATOR section and choose 2 puzzles, one which is greater than or equal to, and the other one that is less than or equal to
- 5.) Now go to SENSOR and add METER into OPERATOR block
- 6.) After we are done with adding METER to OPERATOR, we will add action which will trigger our cooling system
- 7.) Now it's time to go to DEVICES and add Sensors and Meters
- 8.) We will add Zipato 3 in 1 sensor which will be triggered by temperature
- 9.) In this case we will add Zipato 3 in 1 sensor and select Temperature
- 10.) Go to METER and we will select the same device, and put it into METER puzzle
- 11.) We have to select which value we will trigger, so in this case we will select temperature and set 28°C
- 12.) After we define at which point our rule will trigger, it's time to add Thermostat which will start cooling until it get's to the 23°C
- 13.) The same is with 2nd IF puzzle, but only thing that is different will be the value of the temperature which will be set to 23°C, and the cooling will go OFF
- 14.) After you are done, SAVE and SYNC rule