Search Results (40) - "Tag: switch"

switch endpoint change

Need Answer V J. General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Sun F.
1 vote

simple Rule creation

Archived Alessandro S. Comments: 3 Reply 10 years ago by Alessandro S.
1 vote

Fibaro FDG211 & S2

Archived Claude C. Comments: 1 Reply 9 years ago by HeroS -.
1 vote

External Switch Choices for the Aeon Micro Dimmer.

Archived SonyB Comments: 1 Reply 9 years ago by Lars
1 vote

CoCo Switch reacts slow

Archived Lars Rule creator Comments: 2 Reply 8 years ago by Lars
1 vote
3 votes

List of supported Osram Lightify products

Archived Edvald E. General Comments: 6 Reply 6 years ago by Alberto M.
2 votes

How to use Zipato RGBW bulb with momentary switch?

Archived Stian I. General Comments: 12 Reply 6 years ago by Thomas H.
2 votes