Archived Topics

7 votes

Physically Relocate Devices from ZipaBox to ZipaTile

Archived Bernd General Comments: 4 Reply 9 days ago by YusinMurray
2 votes


Archived Alexander C. Comments: 12 Reply 10 days ago by Loribever
3 votes


Archived W. E. General Comments: 0 Reply 16 days ago by Andriano
6 votes
10 votes

HTTPS sensor with Tasker

Archived Guest General Comments: 8 Reply 20 days ago by Andriano
2 votes

Problems with new devices

Archived Stian S. Comments: 17 Reply 35 days ago by Andriano
2 votes

ZME_RC2 support

Archived Jacob B. General Comments: 1 Reply 46 days ago by Ryan K.
1 vote


Archived vincenzo e. General Comments: 3 Reply 46 days ago by Ryan K.
2 votes
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