Archived Topics

Archived yves General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by Vedran T.
8 votes

rule E-Mail when dish-washer finished

Archived Clemens Rule creator Comments: 34 Reply 7 years ago by Clemens
4 votes

Zipato Bulb 2 Not Showing Colour Picker on Zipatile

Archived Dan O. 7 years ago No Comments
3 votes

Using HTTP Request to set Virtual Sensor/Switch?

Archived TorM Rule creator Comments: 1 Reply 7 years ago by Simone B.
1 vote
2 votes

Zipatile OTA Update

Archived Raffael S. General Comments: 19 Reply 7 years ago by Olivier L.
17 votes

What devices can be connected to the RS232 module?

Archived David P. General Comments: 13 Reply 7 years ago by Stefan F.
8 votes

Sync issues??

Archived Alberto M. Comments: 11 Reply 7 years ago by quizzical
5 votes
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