Archived Topics

Reliability of Rules

Archived Daniel S. 7 years ago General No Comments
1 vote

New function, controller backup

Archived Guest Comments: 28 Reply 7 years ago by Erik M.
12 votes

Lost main home page in Zipatile

Archived Francisco M. General Comments: 1 Reply 7 years ago by Vedran B.
3 votes

Temperature sensor confused with Zipatile's own heat

Archived Adrian B. 7 years ago General No Comments
3 votes
1 vote

Urgent. Paradox security system on Zipatile

Archived Tomas General Comments: 13 Reply 7 years ago by Pablo
2 votes

Very frequent rebooting

Archived David P. General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by David P.
1 vote

What do you think of zipato? Should i try it?

Archived David G. General Comments: 5 Reply 7 years ago by Charles C.
1 vote
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