Archived Topics


Archived Fabien M. General Comments: 8 Reply 7 years ago by Barrie W.
2 votes

Rules doesn't work

Archived Jonas E. Rule creator Comments: 20 Reply 7 years ago by Attila H.
4 votes

Problem with a virtual switch (for Alexa)

Archived Klaus G. Rule creator Comments: 7 Reply 7 years ago by Attila H.
1 vote

Infrared floor temp sensor

Archived Børge General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by Børge
1 vote

New 433 Modul and zipato - Nexa

Archived Martin H. General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by Martin H.
1 vote

Modbus RTU or IP in zipato

Archived Jorge E. 7 years ago General No Comments
6 votes

Synchronisation failing constantly

Archived David P. Rule creator Comments: 38 Reply 7 years ago by Nicklas L.
15 votes

ZXT 120 heating

Archived Emmanuel P. General Comments: 2 Reply 7 years ago by Emmanuel P.
1 vote

Zipatile offline, servers down?

Archived Viriato0811 General Comments: 11 Reply 7 years ago by Viriato0811
2 votes
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