Archived Topics

ZipaTile termostat versus boiler Junkers

Archived Kamil Thermostat Comments: 12 Reply 3 months ago by Andriano
2 votes

Aeotec Garage Door Controller

Archived Paul J. General Comments: 8 Reply 3 months ago by Andriano
5 votes

Switch of computer from Zipabox, how can i do that?

Archived patrik w. General Comments: 0 Reply 3 months ago by Andriano
1 vote

Question re Z-wave certification of the Zipato devices

Archived Alexey Y. General Comments: 1 Reply 3 months ago by Andriano
5 votes

HTTP request on local network

Archived Alain Comments: 17 Reply 4 months ago by Alice B.
4 votes

Zipato thermostat

Archived Øystein A. Thermostat Comments: 8 Reply 4 months ago by Andriano
2 votes

Aeon Smart Energy Switch in rule creator

Archived DaBoss Comments: 5 Reply 4 months ago by William J.
1 vote

Need input simple way of editing a scheduler.

Archived dl Comments: 1 Reply 4 months ago by Andriano
2 votes
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