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Block Connector for Wired Siren

Answered Alan W. Comments: 10 Reply 4 months ago by Alex b.
1 vote

switch endpoint change

Need Answer V J. General Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Sun F.
1 vote

Switch someting don't turn the lamp

Answered Michel Rule creator Comments: 3 Reply 5 months ago by Andriano
1 vote

Zipatile internal sensors

Need Answer Scripcariu R. General Comments: 1 Reply 6 months ago by Andriano
1 vote

Virtual thermostats - API

Need Answer Dev S. Thermostat Comments: 3 Reply 6 months ago by Andriano
3 votes

MQTT support

Need Answer Dima General Comments: 4 Reply 6 months ago by Best L.
1 vote

Zipabox 1

Need Answer Gergely M. General Comments: 1 Reply 6 months ago by Erik M.
2 votes

Receive a message if a module is offline

Need Answer Mikoura General Comments: 5 Reply 6 months ago by Melba A.
1 vote

how add a zipato wall tablet to my box ?

Need Answer ReMi General Comments: 7 Reply 6 months ago by Melba A.
1 vote

Questions about the end-of-live of the V2 platform

Need Answer Phil General Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by Gerardo A.
5 votes
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