Adding an IP Camera

This tutorial demonstrates how to add an IP camera trough the Zipato Control center.

Requirements: Zipato Controller, IP Camera

Adding the IP Camera:
1.In the control center, click on the 'Add new device' option.
2.From the dropdown list, select the 'IP Camera' option.
3.For supported cameras use the 'Camera Scan' tab.
4.For unsupported cameras switch to the 'IP Scan' tab. There you can scan for your camera or add it manually by entering its IP address.
5.Save the camera and exit the scan. You should be able to see your camera in the 'Device browser' list.

Configuring the camera:
1.Press the 'Edit camera information' button in the device browser.
2.Enter the login details for your camera.
3.You will also need to enter a path to your stream, consult your IP cameras manual for this information.
4.In order to use the snapshot feature, we need to configure our FTP server:
    a.Open the FTP configuration dialog in cameras web UI.
    b.Use the values provided by your controller to setup the FTP.
    c.Server address and login details should be copied to camera setup.
    d.For path settings use ‘alarm’ because that’s the folder we use on our FTP server.
    e.After entering your FTP data, use the test function to test your connection.
5.After configuring, test the stream to check if your camera is setup correctly:
    a.Click on the ‘Open Stream’ button.
    b.Select the stream you want to view.
6.Try the snapshot feature to check the FTP server settings:
    a.Click on the ‘Snapshot image’ button.
    b.Refresh the camera view by clicking the ‘Refresh’ button.
    c.Click on the ‘Open files manager’ button to view saved snapshots.
    d.If no snapshots are appearing, click on the date settings and click ‘TODAY’.

This is not a "regular" FTP server. You cannot login and use it as a normal FTP server.

7.Your camera should be configured and ready to use now.


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