Google Home - link Zipato System


- Google Home


1. Open Google Home application and login with your Google account. At the Main screen click on Settings icon

2.Select Works with Google menu option (the last menu item)

3. Find Zipato (either by scrolling or searching) application and click on its icon

4. Sign in with Zipato account and its password

5. Under System(s) open slection system list

6. Check in System (one or more) which want to connect with Google Home application

7. Select Approve option and confirm by Submit button

8. Zipato account is linked into Google Home application. It is possible to create Rooms and add devices into them in the Google Home application.

NOTE: Google Home doesn't link Zipato rooms

It is possible to link more than 1 Zipato System into Google Home application - it enables to control several Zipato systems from the same Google Home application,
Google Home app will link all Scenes from the Zipato systems and Google Home enables to create additional scenes (Routines). 

Under thermostat devices of the Google Home app is possible to link Zipato virtual thermostat2 devices, only. 

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